Monday, December 29, 2008

14 Key Self Improvement Skills

It can be helpful to take a high level perspective on self improvement, looking broadly at all the important skills. This can help identify areas you may be weak in, and serve as a mental checklist to help you focus. While this is not an exhaustive list of elements important to personal development, these are some of the most important.
The Therapist''s Workbook: Self-Assessment, Self-Care, and Self-Improvement Exercises for Mental Health Professionals

1. Continuous Learning: Take responsibility for your own lifelong personal development, knowing that it's the secret to success in all areas of life, and your most valuable asset. Your knowledge and experience is personal wealth you can never lose.
I Had It All the Time: When Self-Improvement Gives Way to Ecstasy

2. Positivity: Find the positive aspect in everything, accepting what cannot be changed, and acting on what can, towards a positive result. Don't let circumstances drive your state of being, let your state of being drive your results. Smile and use humor to help drive a positive attitude and share it with others.
Self Improvement of Relationship Skills Through Body Language

3. Personal Excellence: Strive to do your best in everything you do. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well. Not only to achieve superior results, but so that if you fail you can remain positive rather than wishing you had tried harder. Look to be creative in your personal excellence rather than follow the safest, lowest risk path.

4. Honesty: Maintain honesty and integrity in all that you do. Trust and respect by others is hard earned, yet can be permanently lost over the smallest lie. Decide that honesty is one of your core values, and stick to it at all costs.

5. Know Yourself: You are a unique individual with your own strengths and weaknesses, all others have these also. The difference with a successful person is they have learned to leverage their strengths, and to identify their weaknesses so they can improve those areas through learning and practice. Accept yourself as you are without comparison to others, if you look you will find much about yourself to be proud of and thankful for.

6. Appreciate the Moment: Seek happiness in the present moment, even in the simple things around you such as nature, a good conversation, or a good meal. Excessive contemplation on the past or future steals this appreciation from you. Some techniques to support this is getting out in nature, and meditation.

7. Communicate Well: Learning to communicate well with others is an essential skill, which includes speaking, writing, listening well, and body language. Nearly everyone can still find areas to grow with these skills, and should receive constant attention. Becoming a good listener is one of the top areas of improvement you should seek, become truly interested in other people and it will work wonders.

8. Embrace Mistakes: Mistakes are a prerequisite to personal development; you must choose either courage and success, or safety and being average. Mistakes are a learning opportunity so long as you are not repeating your mistakes, if you have learned from a failure then pat yourself on the back. Carry this to other's mistakes also, forgive them with this understanding in mind.

9. Embrace Change: Change is a constant part of life, and integral to personal development and success. Become excited about change, and look to it with a positive attitude. Be a leader by being the initiator of positive change. If you fear change, then you fear personal development, as self improvement is about changing yourself.

10. Increase Your Value: Know that personal development is not a selfish activity; rather it increases your value to others, ranging from relationships, business, and career. Too many people focus on changing others, which rarely works as well as changing yourself. Make a difference externally by changing yourself internally.

11. Be Giving: Seek to be giving, compassionate, loving, yet humble, knowing you receive what you give out. This is a secret to finding happiness in life.

12. Balance: Seek balance in all areas of life, considering family, relationships, career, business, health, leisure, and spirituality.

13. Gratitude: Be thankful for the gift and opportunity of life. If you have a spiritual belief, pursue the core tenets of the teachings and make them part of who you are.

14. Find Your Excitement: Find things in life that excite you, and act on them. Embracing things which excite and motivate you will move you more quickly into success and happiness, and attract the things you need to get there. This attitude will support and integrate with all the above tenets.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Anger Management Techniques

Anger is one of the most common and destructive emotions and it afflicts our mind almost every day. We need to empower ourselves with anger management techniques so as to solve our problem of anger. Anger management techniques are easy to apply especially when anger gets over us and our physical wellbeing. It is important to know anger management techniques to help us cope with situations everyday.

What is anger? Anger is a natural human emotion and it is an adaptive nature which empowers us to "ward off" any attacks or threats to our well being.

However, it sometimes can cause us to focus on the bad qualities of an animate or inanimate object, make it unattractive and increase our desires to perform negative actions on it. But the truth is, anger is not a problem but the mismanagement of anger. Mismanaged anger and rage cause us to face conflicts and difficulties in our personal and professional relationships. Thus, we must know anger management techniques in order to cope better with it.

Anger management techniques are simple to apply but we must first recognize the anger within our mind and acknowledge that it is harmful to both our selves and others. The idea of being tolerant and patient is central in anger management techniques because it is when we lose our tolerance and patience that we begin to feel angry.

In addition, anger management techniques are really just practical methods that can be applied in our daily lives to help us reduce our anger and finally to prevent it from arising at all. They can help us because excessive anger can cause health problems, family issues, drug or alcohol abuse, financial despair, extreme fear or stress, and spiritual void. Domestic abuse, road rage, workplace violence, divorce, and addiction are just a few examples of what happens when anger is mismanaged.

To get started with applying anger management techniques, you need to admit that your anger is out-of-control is essential to tackling the problem of anger. This requires honesty, courage, and tremendous inner strength. And also requires help from others.

When in a situation that needs you to apply anger management techniques, be consciously determined to be calm and communicate and express slowly what you are feeling. Look at the positive side and try to look at the situation from another point of view. Try to relax at the same time and just think about something good to distract yourself from the overwhelming feeling of anger. In addition, you can regulate your breathing to become slow and relaxed to allow you to think and react better in the situation.

Remember that anger management techniques help you to control your anger to the best of your physical well being, social functioning and relationships! Uncontrolled anger only results in added troubles to your life and controlling your anger is a choice you can make! It is no disgrace to admit we have a problem and seek outside help.

Friday, December 19, 2008

How to Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety is simply a feeling of worry; nervousness or an intense apprehension of real or imagined danger. Or it could be a strong wish to do something, especially if the wish is unhealthy strong, like being anxious to do the right thing, in other words, there is lack of confidence in self.
Why do you have this feeling of anxiety? Anxiety is a symptom of the presence of doubt, and when there is doubt, fear grips in. When fear grips in, anxiety comes in. All these; doubt, fear, and anxiety are manifestations of a negative mental attitude, attracting more negative things to happen. The more intense the anxiety, the more the thing that you feared of, will likely to happen. Why? Because of the Law of Attraction; the more you think and feel about it, the more you will get it.

So the best thing to overcome anxiety is to overcome your negative mental attitude. Have you noticed that when there is something that you do not like to happen, will more likely to happen? An example of this is when you were in school, when the teacher calls randomly for somebody to present in front of the class; you do not want to present because you are not prepared, or you are not confident to present; what do you feel? You feel anxious, anxious that you might be called. And the more anxious you become, the more likely that you will be called. And if you were very anxious, then definitely, you were called. In the Law of Attraction, the process starts with having a thought of what you want, then this thought transform into desire to have what you want. Desire is an emotion, powerful enough to lead you to action until you get what you what. Anxiety is already an emotion, a powerful feeling that will lead you to your dominant negative thought-that something you feared of.

How then do you overcome your negative mental attitude? To overcome a negative mental attitude is to have a positive mental attitude. You can not overcome a negative mental attitude with a negative mental attitude. Let me give you an example: As I browsed the Google keyword, I noticed that a lot of people searched the Google about anxiety, about 4 million searches in one month, compared to happiness at about a million in a month. Both of these group of people who searched for anxiety and happiness, are more likely to be suffering from anxiety or depression. If you are happy, why would you search for happiness on the internet, anyway? The difference between these groups of people is their approach, or how they managed their anxiety. 4 million tried to manage their anxiety by learning more about anxiety. What do get, they end up feeding their thoughts more about anxiety, stories of people with anxiety, and so on. They end up attracting more negative forces to them and become more anxious. On the other hand, those people who tried to battle their anxiety by cultivating their thoughts with happy thoughts; happy moments; stories about happiness; and surrounding themselves with happy people; are more likely to succeed in overcoming their anxiety.
Self-Help for Your Anxiety: The Proven Anxiety Antidote Method

Anxiety is a mental state of mind where negative thoughts are dominant, creating doubts and fears. To overcome anxiety is to gain mastery over your thoughts; to change your mental attitude to a positive mentality. And one of the best ways to have a positive mental attitude is to nourish your mind with happy thoughts, happy moments, and associate yourself with happy people.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Who needs money in his everyday life? We encounter the need for money almost everywhere, from shopping to eating at stalls and even to the basic needs. We feel contented if these needs are satisfiably met, however, if not, this can cause worry which leads to unhappy lifestyle. It is somehow true what our parents used to teach us that money can't buy happiness because it cannot be literally bought. Of course it cannot. Nevertheless, everyday we are being bought with money from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep. If you don't have such resources, how then can you survive and will you be happy with it?

Morally speaking, money can't buy happiness because of the implications towards us that our happiness should not depend on material things. But reality check, it is true that money can buy happiness and psychological studies has proven the theory.

A poll survey conducted by Adweek tackled affirmations from different age brackets in the society that tells us that money is equated to happiness. The older one gets the greater is his linkage of happiness with money due to the burden of mortgages, college funds and midlife responsibilities.

Although it depends on your own the definition of money and happiness. Imagine that you wake up to go to school and ask your Mom to give you allowance, then she says "No!". Does it make you happy to hear that from her? On a larger scale, why do people go to lottery stalls to take their chances of winning? The hope to alleviate their lives, if they are happy with their present situation then why should they go to the lottery to take their chances? All of us are working to provide for our needs and it is frustrating to think that you wake up in the morning with no food in the table.

There is no need for a study to know that wealthy people can afford more merry-makings because their money allows them to afford such activities.

Rich people are happier according to study than that of low income family. It is the satisfaction on life that makes the difference. If you were to compare their outlook in life. Rich people tend to be ambitious, optimistic and goal oriented while poor people are struggling to inconsistent depression and self pity. This are indications which happiness requires positive behaviour and rich people seem to posses some of it, according toUniversity of Michigan's health and retirement study.

A study conducted by David G. Blanchflow and Andrew Oswald analyzde the impact of social flow and economic status of American today showing a decline from 34% to 30% of unhappy individuals who took the survey. The study is to prove the thoery if in anyhow the happines weighed in with money. Significantly understood thatmoeny is not about the cash but the assets and liabilities one has. Who cannot be happier if you have a large house to live in, a full stomach and once in a while to enjoy outdoor recreation. You cannot possibly obtain these simple pleasures if your money earned is just consumed by your food and for paying your utilities..

We are living in a day to day basis for survival and we are affected materially so as to say that money indeed has that influence in this material world. Almost what you have from your head to toe requires a minimum amount of money, from toddler to college years and considering a degree takes most of your investment. If you graduate in college, you are much more equipped in life. You began to have confidence way beyond than those who were not able to finish any degree. For this, we must take account of the importance of money in fulfilling that dream that somehow has brought your life changes and makes it a lot happier.

Medically speaking, doctors have observations that rich people tend to have better health than low income families, this means that rich people live healthier lifestyles. What money can offer is convenience. The fact is, there is a relative influence with regards to how we react when monetary flow in our lives tend to increase or decrease.

With regards to marriage break ups and statistics, the inability to compensate the need to raise a family is one of primary reasons that might influences the smooth flow of relationships. Broken marriages leads to unhappy life and for what reason? Simple, money does matter.

Article Source: - THE Premier Site for Articles AND Authors

Money Doesn''t Buy Happiness and Neither Does Poverty

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Daegan Smith is the leader of the fastest growing team of successful home business enterpernuers on the net. Find out how we're creating financial freedom all across the globe and how to get in on the action FREE at
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Friday, November 28, 2008

How To Handle Criticism

How To Handle Criticism

Do you find it ugly to fail? Think about it!

Sooner or later, we all encounter criticism in some form. The trick is not to avoid criticism, but to use it to your advantage.

Each week, I meet lots of people trying to get ahead in life, in one way or another. They have tried it all, such as setting objectives, creating an action plan and have invested 100 percent. Yet they fail. Why is that?

I have noticed that many of us, are governed entirely by the fear of criticism. I am talking not only about the criticism from managers, buyers and suppliers, but the criticism that we carry with us every day, throughout our lives.

Where does all this criticism from? Ninety percent of all the criticism is created by ourselves, and when the environment reacts to what we radiate, we receive scathing criticism back. The more afraid we are of being criticized, the more likely it is that we will get criticism in some form.

Often there are two ways to behave when you have this self-critical approach. One is by never doing anything with your life and be invisible in all situations, while the second is to actually be visible and go forward, regardless of the criticism. Whichever method you use, the truth comes out, and you will get scathing criticism, whether you are passive or active.

The solution lies not on the outside, but rather to dissolve all the fear that many go around carrying with them. Where does this fear come from? Our entire society is built on it that it is ugly to fail, and if you do it that once, you are written off forever as being an unworthy.

But if you look at the individuals who really have managed externally, as Henry Ford with the car, and with Edison and the light bulb, they have failed more times than they succeeded. Yet they went down in history as real winners.

Since childhood we have learned that it is ugly to fail. Our parents have learned from their parents to do it right the first time. But have you seen a small child learn to walk all at once, or one who has learned to talk in a day? According to today's standards, they would then be classified as failures to start businesses, become executives or even to be employed.

The key is to learn that it is ok to fail. Companies and individuals agree to hire people who have big plans, and who dares to succeed and fail. Without the power, we would still live in caves and no company would exist.

How do we then, deal with the scathing self-criticism that puts an end to so many people's success and dreams?

Here are four tips to being successful with criticism:

1. Find out what kind of criticism that you are afraid to get from others
2. Find out if you also criticize yourself, year in and year out
3. Learn to ignore the criticism that does not help you to grow (about 99 percent of all criticism)
4. Consider the criticism is justified and convert it into opportunities for you (about 1 percent of all criticism)

Keep in mind that the biggest critic is yourself, and it is only you who can change yourself and develop yourself so that you become a winner to handle criticism.

Good Luck!

Hans Thorn, Success Coach

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bipolar Disorder: Signs, Symptoms, And Causes

Symptoms of Bipolar disorder have been found in a greater percentage of women across America. Survey suggests that the count of women getting diagnosed with the disorder increases every year. The signs and symptoms can vary from mild to severe. There may even time when a person does seem to be normal. So Let s take a look at this psychiatric disease.

Signs of Bipolar Disorder

Characterized by mood disorder, bipolar disorder is identified as shift in the mood, energy and functioning ability of a woman. You can further distinguish it by a woman experiencing several cycles of manic episode. Their episodes involve abnormally elevated frame of mind along with depressive symptoms or episodes. But, what actually causes these episodes?
The Everything Health Guide to Adult Bipolar Disorder

Causes (or Triggers) behind Bipolar Disorder

Causes behind bipolar disorder in women have always puzzled scientists. Some researches have unearthed theories. However, no one yet has pinpointed the true trigger (external factors) of this malady. Let us have an understanding of some of these triggers, which have been uncovered by scientists through their researches on the disorder:

Makeup of a woman’s brain: Researches have indicated that difference in the makeup of a woman’s brain might be one of the causes for bipolar disorder. Two imperative regions of her brain can contain more of those cells, which send signals to every other part of the brain. Theory suggests that these cells can lead to an over stimulation of their organ. This correlates with what we recognize as a bipolar disorder symptom.

Role of Genetics: One of the researches also revealed that Genetics can play a role in causing bipolar disorder. Surveys amongst families of women with this disorder, have been done for supporting this theory. Studies showed that parents, brothers, sisters or children, who have the disorder, are usually apt for a certain type of mood disorder. In case of identical twins, there is 80 chance of both having the disorder, if one is already carrying it.

Stressful Environment: Some scientists even feel that stress filled life might also be a major factor behind precipitating bipolar disorder. Life is full of stressful events. However, different women have distinct reasons to get stressed. What one woman can find stressful, others might thrive upon them. Scientists believe that stress can initiate bipolar disorder in women, who never faced illness before.
Everything Parent''s Guide to Children with Bipolar Disorder

Everyone feels that once bipolar disorder starts, it continues to flourish and gets nurtured through several physical & psychological means.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder’s symptoms or warning signs include:

1 Excessive crying

2 Feeling sad, empty or helpless

3 Fatigued or energy loss

4 Losing interest in things you loved to enjoy

5 Change in appetite or weight

6 Mental or physical sluggishness

7 Finding it difficult to concentrate

8 Sleeping too little or too much

9 Having thoughts of committing suicide

10 Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness

11 Extreme levels of irritability

12 Aggressive behavior

13 Poor judgment

If you can sense the bipolar disorder symptoms within you or someone you know, it is the right time for consulting a physician and getting an accurate mental health diagnosis.
Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder

Author Resource: Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women.

Article From: Article Asylum
Bipolar Disorder

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Brainstorms: Understanding And Treating Emotional Storms Of Adhd From Childhood Through Adulthood: Understanding And Treating Emotional Storms Of Adhd

ADHD in Adults: Coping With Social Gatherings

By: A Nutt

While ADHD is commonly recognized in children, most people expect adults to be able to hide the fact that they have a problem. Social gatherings and meetings can cause a lot of anxiety in someone who suffers from ADHD and this can even cause them to avoid social situations. It doesn t have to be this way, though. There are coping strategies to make even the most important meeting go well.


Most ADHD adults have difficulty staying focused on conversations for any length of time, so it s not hard to imagine how trying it is to understand an entire meeting or speech. Unfortunately, those moments when the mind wanders are often the most important ones and this can cause problems later on when the facts are needed.

A social function, be it a picnic or a company party, can be emotionally and mentally exhausting if you are struggling to pay attention and to avoid blurting out something inappropriate. What should be fun turns into something more like work and requires a lot of energy just to make it through a couple of hours. This is the reason that many ADHD adults avoid social gatherings and prefer to spend their downtime away from other people.

Fortunately, there are ways to stay more focused during these social outings, making them less stressful and easier to deal with.

Strategies for Social Situations

• Keep it simple. Whenever possible, keep the social situation as stress free as possible. Choose to go to a movie or show instead of hosting or attending a party, which can be very distracting.

• Take notes. While this is not something you ll want to do in front of people, it can be handy to keep a notebook on hand to jot notes on people throughout the event or meeting. This can be invaluable when you need to contact someone again or talk to your boss about the meeting.

• Listen more than you talk. Even if your attention tends to wander, it s a lot easier to be in a social situation where you don t really need to say anything. Most people are more than thrilled to talk about themselves, so all you need to do is ask a question now and then and you ll be rewarded with plenty of talking.

• Find a way to be interested. Think about how you can use the information gleaned in the meeting for future projects. Many ADHD adults find that when they are interested in something, they really can focus on information input quite well. All you need to do is find the method of promoting interest in yourself.

• Opt for enjoyable outings. Rather than force yourself to go to a dozen corporate Christmas parties over the holidays, why not look for something you enjoy more, like a concert? Attend only the social gatherings that you absolutely must and the rest should be ones that you enjoy and feel comfortable with.

• Take someone along. Having a spouse or good friend with you allows you to break away from time to time when you simply can t stick to a conversation. Also, having someone who understands you can be a big help when you are feeling uncomfortable and lets you join someone who will understand if you are in need of a break.

ADHD in adults can cause some serious problems in social situations if you don t have a plan. Know what you can do to stay focused and to avoid embarrassing situations before you go in. This, coupled with support from a loved one, can help make all the difference in how you approach these gatherings.

Author Resource:-> ADD ADHD doctor provides solutions for situations that can prevent you from doing your best at work, school or in relationships. For treatment and recommendations of ADD and ADHD, consider Dr.Svec Institute of Psychological Services.

Article From Free Article Publishing
Clinician''s Guide To Adult Adhd


Destructive Emotions

As spring and summer arrive, we dust out shelves, clear out clutter and spruce up our homes. With all this attention to our surroundings, it’s little surprise that we barely take time to do some decluttering on the inside. You know, sweep away those negative emotions that throw us for a loop. Too often we’re busy with the practicalities of the day to analyze the abstractions.

But unresolved negative emotions can result in poor health, broken relationships and unfulfilled dreams. Here, we show you how to cleanse five toxic emotions and get back to feeling centered.

What’s the score? “Anger has different faces, frustration, self pity,” says Dr. James Miklos of the New Hope Counselling Centre in Ontario. “It can be slow simmering thoughts on the back burner.” Other factors that may trigger temper tantrums include having unreasonable expectations, feeling you can’t control what’s happening in your life, or wounded pride. Everyone feels emotions such as anger at some point. However, emotions become toxic when you can’t let them go; they’re as much a part of you as your hairstyle or stride.

The fallout: It’s no coincidence feelings are often explained physiologically — “My blood was boiling,” or “I was about to explode.” Emotions spring from thoughts in the brain, which trigger bodily responses — explaining how posture, tone of voice and facial expression can reveal our emotions — it's the mind-body connection at work. “With anger, for instance, you’re actually wearing your body down, because you’re pumping adrenaline through it,” says Miklos, “It creates undue stress on your body; you’re in a hyper-alert mode, constantly tense.”

And constant tension can lead to a slew of health problems, from back pain, to change in appetite, extreme fatigue, anxiety and ulcers. Anger also narrows your perspective, which makes you impossible to reason with. Not exactly a fun ride for the people in your life. Beyond desiring to dodge any direct hits, people simply won’t want to get stuck under that cloud of fury that surrounds you.

What to do? A good first step to take is to remove yourself from the situation, if possible. If your friend always nitpicks about your home and it’s driving you up your newly faux-finished walls, invite her over less — go for walks in the park together or dine at her place instead.

If you can’t escape a particular situation that’s increasing your ire, like your job or a nightmare neighbor, get moving. “Physical exercise is good because you’re cleansing your body,” says Miklos. “Endorphins and dopamine [produced during exercise] make you feel better so you can handle challenges better.” Meditation and prayer can also help you cope. Miklos states that people who pray daily and meditate claim they feel calmer, more confident and relaxed.

Of course, few emotions are resolved overnight. So if anger has been your companion for a while, you may want to speak to a professional. According to Miklos, emotions are tied to core beliefs, which are early life experiences that influence how we respond. Therapy can help resolve core beliefs, opening up new ways of resolving toxic emotions and reactions.

What’s the score? Everyone comments on your sister-in-law’s beauty and her meticulous home. Everyone, but you. Deep inside you feel that other people’s achievements or gifts are personal slights against you. “Envy involves resenting the goods…talents…that other people possess,” writes Daniel Goleman in Healing Emotions: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions and Health. The seed of envy is a sense of not measuring up, of not being “as worthy.” It’s also inextricably tied to competitiveness.

The fallout: Short, intermittent envy is pretty ordinary, not good, but ordinary. Your colleague gets a coveted project you wanted, or your brother is having his third child and you and your partner are still trying…these are likely to stir your green-eyed monster for a brief period. But if your envy causes you to badmouth your colleague or constantly deride your brother’s parenting, well you’ve got a few issues. Envy is also an emptying emotion — even if you were to acquire what you envied in someone else, you’d likely start feeling envious about something else. It’s a bottomless pit.

What to do: It won’t be easy, but try to befriend the person you resent. According to Rabbi Nilton Bonder, author of The Kabbalah of Envy, “all envy springs from a ‘short-circuit’ of love.” Let your colleague know she can count on you if she needs help with the project. Or, try learning from the person you envy, if what she has is really important to you. If you want that showcase home, ask your sister-in-law her secret. Also, stop looking outside for validation. Instead, pinpoint five or six things that make you unique and start appreciating them.

What’s the score? We all feel fear in myriad situations, from the time we’re born, to perhaps our last breath. It’s a primary emotion — often a first reaction to some stimuli like a snake or the dark. And it can also be a good thing, for instance as a flight mechanism from a fire or attacker. But fear’s also a secondary emotion — a learned reaction. For instance, if you’ve faced heartbreak before, thoughts of being hurt or disappointed may give you cold feet when it comes to committing to someone else. In this case, fear’s tied to a core belief.

The fallout: In its less harmful form fear can disappear as quickly as it appeared. But the chronic variety can create anxiety, social paralysis (like not wanting to take chances or try something new), or lead to anger or hatred. As Miklos sums it up: “Fear makes you totally counterproductive.”

What to do: Fear is talking to you all the time. A key to drowning it out may lie in simply talking back. “Positive self talk is a part of cognitive behavioural therapy,” says Miklos. “It builds up immunity against fear, making you able to talk yourself out of it. When we think something and speak it, our minds shift and our bodies respond.” Positive self talk also helps build courage. As Mark Twain once said: “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear — not absence of fear.”

What’s the score? When you hate someone you’re basically saying you have such a strong aversion to this person, you’d gladly welcome some horrible fate to meet them. You’ve likely taken a quality about that person as an affront to your own values, or maybe they bring to the surface some of your own insecurities. So you avoid them, you gossip about them and try to help others into hating them too. Hatred is tied to both fear and anger.

The fallout: You’re likely doing more harm to yourself than to the object of your hatred. “Anytime we hate somebody, we have obsessive thinking about them. We’re allowing that person or the image of that person to control our lives. Sometimes to the point where some people can’t work,” says Miklos. According to him, in its passive form, fear may cause you to ignore or avoid the person you hate. But, the aggressive kind can lead to physically harming the person. Hatred also carries with it physical side effects, such as cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, ulcers and headaches.

What to do: The first step is to pay attention to how much time you’re spending thinking about the other person, Miklos suggests. If thoughts are becoming obsessive, you need to get a little perspective. Forgiveness may help. “Fred Luskin wrote in Forgive for Good that it’s not about forgetting what the other person did, but rather, it’s a gift you give yourself,” says Miklos. If you’re harboring thoughts of doing some ill deed, however, you may want to speak to a counsellor to get to the root of your feelings.

What’s the score? After your son reminded you for weeks of the date and time for his next soccer game, you still don’t make it. He’s upset and you’re welling up with guilt. It’s the sense that you’re responsible for something bad happening, for letting others down, or that to some degree, you’re to blame for someone else’s problem. Guilt is tied to our cultural values of right and wrong and can be a moral compass. If you’re a perfectionist or have low self esteem, you’re probably more prone to experiencing it.

The fallout: Brief guilt over a specific act isn’t toxic. But recurring, or long-lasting guilt can eat you up inside. It can lead to depression, anxiety, a sense of worthlessness, leading to negative internal dialogue like “I’m a bad mother for missing Matt’s soccer game.” A specific act suddenly becomes a blanket indictment of you as a parent, daughter, colleague, or friend.

What to do: Try to forgive yourself and focus on the things you do well. Really accept that sometimes you will make mistakes, and that you can’t be all things to everyone. Also, you’ll need to learn how to lovingly set some boundaries, which will take time, and may mean facing resentment from several people in your life. It’s a slow process, so navigate it with patience. If an underlying cause is to blame — like low self-esteem or perfectionism — a therapist can, through various methods of therapy, help you to resolve those issues.
Understanding Emotions

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Power of Concentration By Remez Sasson

When I was a child, I saw how a magnifying glass could burn a piece of paper, when the rays of the sun were focused through it. The fire could start only when the sun's rays were concentrated to a small point. When the magnifying glass was moved too far away or too close to the paper, the rays were not focused enough and nothing happened. This experience describes vividly the power of concentration.

This power can be described as focused attention. It is the ability to direct the attention to one single thought or subject, to the exclusion of everything else.

When our mind is focused, our energies are not dissipated on irrelevant activities or thoughts. This is why developing concentration is essential to anyone who aspires to take charge of his or her life. This skill is essential for every kind of success. Without it, our efforts get scattered, but with it, we can accomplish great things.

Concentration has many uses and benefits. It assists in studying and understanding faster, improves the memory, and helps in focusing on any task, job, activity or goal, and achieving it more easily and efficiently. It is also required for developing psychic powers, and is a powerful tool for the efficient use of creative visualization.

When this ability is developed, the mind obeys us more readily and does not engage in futile, negative thoughts or worries. We gain mental mastery and we experience true peace of mind.

This ability also plays an important role in meditataion. Without it, the mind just jumps restlessly from one thought to another, not allowing us to meditate properly.

Do you now realize, why it is very important and worthwhile to develop and improve the ability to concentrate?

To develop this power you need to train and exercise it. Forget all your excuses about not having the time or being too busy. Do not say that the circumstances are not appropriate or that you cannot find a quiet place to exercise. With a little planning, desire and motivation you can always find the time to exercise each day, no matter how busy you are.

The Restless Mind
Thoughts claim our attention incessantly, and waste our time and energy on unimportant and useless matters. They actually rule our life. We have become so used to this slavery, that we take it for granted, and have become unconscious of this habit, except on certain occasions.

While breathing, we do not need to pay attention to each inhalation and exhalation. We become conscious of the process of breathing, only when we have some difficulty with breathing, such as when our nose is clogged, due to a cold, or when we are in an unventilated room.

It is the same with thinking. We become conscious of the constant onslaught of our thoughts, and of our inability to calm them down, only when we need to concentrate, solve a problem or study. We are also acutely aware of them when we have worries or fears.

Look at the following familiar situation. You need to study something for your job or for an exam. You sit comfortably on the sofa with the book in your hands and start reading. After a while you feel hungry and go to the kitchen to eat something.

You return to read, and then hear you people talking outside. You listen to them for several moments and then bring your attention back to the book.

After a while you feel restless and switch on the radio to listen to some music. You continue to read for a little while, and then remember something that happened yesterday, and you start thinking about it.

When you look at your watch, you are amazed to find out that one complete hour has passed and you have hardly read anything.

This is what happens when one lacks concentration. Imagine what you could have accomplished, if you could control your attention and focus your mind!

Work that requires physical strength, such as carrying heavy loads for example, develops physical strength. Yet, it is not as exercising daily to the gym in a systematic manner. It is the same with concentration. Reading, studying and trying to pay attention to what we do, develop some of this ability, but practicing exercises diligently each day is something else, it is like training in a gym.

Inner resistance to developing concentration

In order to develop this ability we have to train our minds. Most people think that concentration is a strenuous and tiring activity, and that it involves exertion and tension, which are difficult and unpleasant.

This belief starts at an early age. Parents and teachers expect children to study, do their homework and get good grades. This brings up in the children a feeling of being coerced and forced to do something they don't like doing. When they are too often told that they are not concentrating good enough, they develop a loathing for concentration, and often for studying too. These become associated with coercion, lack of freedom, doing something they do not like to do, and which is against their will. When they grow up, it is no wonder that their powers of concentration are weak, and they have no desire to strain their minds.

Though most people acknowledge the fact that good concentration is a great asset, yet most of them do nothing to strengthen it, mostly because they don't know how. Reading and thinking about its benefits, and about the reasons why it should be cultivated, can help to change the attitude toward it.

Concentration can be fun if approached in the right way. It should be practiced with joy, fun, optimism, and understanding of its great possibilities. It has to be approached in a positive manner and then success dawns.

The benefits of developing concentration

Sometimes you can find strong powers of concentration in yourself. When you really and earnestly want to excel in your studies, pass an important exam or solve a problem, this power becomes available to you. In such cases, it appears because of some need or desire, but developing it in a systematic way brings it under your control, and grants you the ability to use it intentionally, whenever you need it. To do so, you need to practice special exercises on a daily basis.

Here is what you can gain by developing this power:
-Control of your thoughts.
-The ability to focus your mind.
-Peace of mind.
-Freedom from futile and annoying thoughts.
-The ability to choose your thoughts.
-Better memory.
-Inner strength.
-Will power.
-The ability to study and comprehend more quickly.
-Inner happiness.
-Enhanced capability to develop psychic abilities.
-More powerful and efficient use of creative visualization.
-Enhanced ability to meditate.
-And much more...

Seems too good to be true? Develop the power of concentration and find out for yourself!

So what about starting to develop concentration power today?

In part two of this article you will find advice and exercises for developing and strengthening this ability.

Concentration: A Step-by-Step Method to Improved Concentration

Concentration: A Step-by-Step Method to Improved Concentration

Concentration: A Step-by-Step Method to Improved Concentration

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Power of Negative Thinking

Negative thinking appears to be more prevalent than positive thinking. It seems that with most people positive thinking requires some effort, whereas negative thinking comes easily and uninvited. This has much to do with education and the environment one has been living in.

If you have been brought up in a happy and positive atmosphere, where people value success and self-improvement, then it will be easier for you to think positively and expect success. If you have been brought up under poor or difficult situations, you will probably go on expecting difficulties and failure.

We all view everything through our predominant mental attitude. If our thoughts are positive, that is fine, but if they are negative, our lives and circumstances will probably mirror these thoughts.

If you believe that you are going to fail, you will unconsciously sabotage every opportunity to succeed. If you are afraid of meeting new people or having close relationships, you will do everything to avoid people and relationships, and then complain that you are lonely and nobody loves you.

Do you often think about difficulties, failure and disasters? Do you keep thinking about the negative news you have seen on the TV or read in the newspapers?

Do you see yourself stuck and unable to improve your life or your health? Do you frequently think that you do not deserve happiness or money, or that it is too difficult to get them? If you do, then you will close your mind, see no opportunities, and behave and react in such ways, as to repel people and opportunities.

The mind does not usually judge or examine thoughts and opinions before accepting them. If what it hears, sees and reads is always negative, it accepts this as the standard way of thinking and behavior.

The media constantly bombards the mind with a lot of information about disasters, catastrophes, wars and other unhappy events. This information sinks into the subconscious mind, and then manifests as your habitual manner of thinking. By occupying the mind with depressing and pessimistic thoughts you radiate negative energy into the surrounding world, thus creating and recreating more negativity, failures and disasters.

The mind is neutral energy. The way you think determines whether the results are positive and beneficial or negative and harmful. It is the same of energy acting in different ways.

The good news are that persistent inner work can change habits of thinking. You must be willing to put energy and time to pursue positive thinking, in order to change your mental attitude.

A few Tips:

- Each time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, reject the thought, and think a positive one instead.

- If you catch yourself visualizing failure, visualize success instead.

- If you hear yourself uttering negative words, change to positive words instead.

- When you say, "I cannot", say, "I can".

- Do you repeat negative words and phrases in your mind? Change them to positive ones.

- Open your mind to positive attitude and expect positive results.

- Decide that from today, from this very moment, you are leaving negative thinking behind, and starting on the way toward positive thinking and behavior.

It is never too late to change your attitude and your life.

Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, self-improvement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power".
Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidance.Website: http://www.SuccessConsciousness.comBooks:

The Power of Negative Thinking: Coming to Terms with our Forbidden Emotions

The Power of Negative Thinking: Coming to Terms with our Forbidden Emotions

Denial of negative feelings like anger, resentment and jealousy can lead to problems both emotional and physical, which impact on every aspect of our lives...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Reclaim Your Assertive Birthright

The idea that some of us are born more confident than others is false. We are all born confident. That means you can re-capture your true birthright, which is to be the naturally assertive person you really are.
As little children, we are all supremely assertive. Up until the age of about 3, we display all the characteristics of confident human beings:

· we are able to express our needs freely

· we trust others unconditionally

· we are innocently allowed to be ourselves

· we are wide-eyed and endlessly curious about our world

· we have fun, laughter and play

· we are instinctively creative

· we can express our feelings out loud whether joy or sadness

· we live totally in the present

· we have a huge potential for growth.

The trouble is, things don't last. Around the age of 3, when our thinking brain kicks in, we start to learn that the world isn't how we thought it was at all. As a result of what our parents, siblings, and teachers tell us, we learn that freedom must be restricted, play activity has no longer any value unless it is useful, others are no longer sources of interest and enjoyment but strangers to be treated with suspicion, and needs that were expressed and promptly met now have to take their place in the queue.

In short, out goes unconditional love and in comes blame and fear.

Our response is to protect ourselves against the world and we do that with 3 kinds of programmes:

1. The Blame Programme. The Blame Programme teaches us that when things don't go the way they should, someone or something must be to blame. This creates two versions of the programming.

1. We look outward at someone or something to blame. We set ourselves up in the role of Persecutor. Because nobody seems to come up to the mark, we take it upon ourselves to be critic, judge and condemner.

2. We look inward and blame ourselves. It is our fault when things go wrong. We set ourselves up in the role of Victim. As victims we hope that others will recognise our unhappiness and come to rescue us.

In one simple programming, we thus create aggressive and passive responses that can last a whole lifetime.

2. The False Self Programme. When we lose our true self that belongs to babyhood, we create a new programme based upon the now-hostile world.

Some of the beliefs of the False Self programme are...
1. forgiveness is weakness

2. you change others by criticising them

3. your anger shows you're right and others are wrong

4. revenge helps you to establish justice

5. it is weakness to ever let yourself be vulnerable

6. judging others proves what a good character you are

7. you protect yourself by attacking people and/or withdrawing love in order to control them through fear, guilt and shame

8. manipulating and deceiving others can help you to become successful.

3. The False Life Script Programme. The false life-script programme is the third programme we learn and it satisfies our early life needs for some kind of identity. This programme tells us who we are, what we are good at or bad at, how well we conform, how well we relate to others and how the rest of our lives should be led.

Unfortunately, the programme is false because it is written by others, not by us. Consequently, the programme gives us...

* other people's labels for us, such as Naughty Nigel, Earnest Eric, Solemn Sue

* their roles for us to perform, such as dutiful housewife, dynamic executive, happy handyman

* the life script of being either a victim of life or a persecutor in life.

Only when we realise the falseness of the life-script programme can we break free of it.

As a result of our early experiences of dealing with the world, most of us lose our natural assertiveness. We come to believe that it is normal to respond to the world in either aggressive or non-assertive modes, with all the miserable consequences that these behaviours produce. But our assertiveness hasn't gone away. It is still there and it is our birthright. If you want to re-claim it, just read again what you were like as a little child, and be assertive:
· we are able to express our needs freely

· we trust others unconditionally

· we are innocently allowed to be ourselves

· we are wide-eyed and endlessly curious about our world

· we have fun, laughter and play

· we are instinctively creative

· we can express our feelings out loud whether joy or sadness

· we live totally in the present

· we have a huge potential for growth.

Complete Idiot''s Guide to Assertiveness

Complete Idiot''s Guide to Assertiveness

This book gives a boost to anyone who has felt paralyzed in the face of an opposing viewpoint or an imposing individual...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Is your Personality making you Sick?

If you’re Impulsive…Check out that Stomach AcheYou might expect impulsive people to be at risk from accidents but, in fact, their biggest health danger is stomach ulcers. Researchers at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health studied more than 4 000 people and found that those who had an impulsive personality were 2,4 times more at risk of developing peptic ulcers.These are triggered by high acidity in the digestive system - and it's thought that impulsive people tend to respond to stress with higher-than-normal rates of acid production. A contributing factor could be that, according to research conducted by the University of Wales, impulsiveness is associated with poorer control over eating habits.If you’re Cheerful…Wipe that Smile off your FaceOne of the most surprising findings is that cheerful people are more likely to die young. 'Children who were rated by their parents and teachers as more cheerful and as having a sense of humor died earlier in adulthood than those who were less cheerful,' say researchers at the University of California in the US. 'Contrary to expectation, cheerfulness and sense of humor were inversely related to longevity.' One theory is that cheerful people underestimate life's dangers and may also be more likely to have difficulty coping when things don't turn out as anticipated.

If you’re Anxious…Here’s (even) More to Worry aboutPeople with anxiety disorders are more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease. People with anxiety disorders are three times more likely to be treated for high blood pressure - possibly as a result of stress hormones, a study at Northern Arizona University in the US has found. And those with phobic anxieties, such as a fear of heights, have been found to be at higher risk of heart disease and high cholesterol as well as of high blood pressure. Although behavioral differences - such as a greater tendency among anxious people to smoke - go some way to explaining this, they do not explain it all. A study at the University of Antwerp in Belgium found that within 10 years of heart treatment, 27% of anxious types were dead, compared with 7% of others.

If you’re Aggressive…You Tend to be Long-Wounded Hostile personality types are prone to serious heart problems - and their wounds take longer to heal. People who suffer from atherosclerosis - furred-up arteries - are likely to have hostile personalities, according to a study of about 2 000 people carried out in Scotland. And a US study has shown that aggressive people are at greater risk of chronic inflammation throughout the body, which can lead to the build-up of fatty deposits in the lining of arteries, causing heart disease. One theory is that hostile people are often agitated, which raises blood pressure and heart rate, resulting in wear and tear on the cardiovascular system. Angry people also take longer to heal. Researchers at Ohio State University in the US created small wounds on the arms of healthy people and found that, after four days, only 30% of the angry patients' wounds had healed, compared with 70% of placid patients'.

If you’re Shy…You Need more Tissues than Most
Socially inhibited people are more likely than extroverted people to catch colds. Shy people are more vulnerable to viral infections, suggests research done by the University of California. In animal studies, scientists found that gregarious types had more active protective lymph nodes than shy types. (Lymph nodes are part of the body's immune system and help to destroy infectious germs, such as the common cold virus, and bacteria).

If you’re Optimistic…you have every Reason to Expect the BestPeople who always look on the bright side of things live longer, happier, healthier lives. Optimists live, on average, 7,5 years longer than those who take a gloomy view, according to research at the University of California.The risk of dying early from any disease is 55% lower for optimists, researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands found. One possible explanation, say researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in the US, is that optimism helps boost the immune system.
Another view is that optimism may increase the will to live. And the fact that optimists are more sociable is also thought to play a role - sociability generally lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

If you’re Reserved…Try Uncorking some of what’s Bottled UpInternalizing all your feelings can put your health under pressure. Taciturn people - sometimes known as distressed or Type-D personalities - often suffer from a high degree of emotional suffering but consciously suppress their feelings, and as a result may be at higher risk of cancer and heart disease. Once Type-Ds develop coronary-artery disease, they are at greater risk of dying, according to a study by Harvard University in the US. The researchers suggest that these people have poorly regulated stress hormones, which puts pressure on their cardiovascular systems.If you’re Conscientious…You Know the right thing to doThis is the personality trait most closely associated with a long and healthy life. Conscientiousness has a significant effect on longevity and on steadying blood-pressure and cholesterol levels, suggests research by Nottingham University in the UK. A University of California study suggests this is because conscientious people are more likely to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors, and are less likely to be reckless.

If you’re Neurotic…Take a Deep BreathAll the stressing, obsessing and second-guessing isn't doing your health any favors. Being a neurotic type is associated with asthma, headaches, stomach ulcers and heart disease, according to a University of California study. It suggests that, because neurotic people often employ ineffective coping strategies - with lots of self-blame and hostility, rather than seeking help and support - they become even more stressed. This leads to a less effective immune system and greater susceptibility to disease.
If you’re Extroverted…Be Careful What you Eat
Like optimists, extroverts are generally healthy - except that they have a tendency to get fat. Extroverts are less likely to get heart disease, according to a study by Milan University in Italy. Researchers found that they were 15% less likely than other people to get any kind of disease, and were more likely to recover quickly if they did.

Extroverts were also found to be less susceptible to infections. One theory is that they have more effective coping strategies and, consequently, fewer stress hormones in their bodies. They may also be more likely to seek medical help when symptoms appear.

The downside to being an extrovert, researchers at Yamagata University School of Medicine in Japan have found, is that an outgoing person is more likely than introspective people to be overweight.

One possible explanation is that extroverts tend to be more sociable and therefore attend more social occasions involving food.

If you’re Pessimistic…You are Probably RightThose who always expect the worst will find that, when it comes to their health, they're right. Pessimists have a 19% higher risk of dying early compared with optimists. Researchers in the US have also found that people who have high levels of pessimism and anxiety have an increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease later in life.'What we have shown for the first time is that there's a link between an anxious or pessimistic personality and the future development of Parkinson's disease,' says neurologist Dr James Bower from the Mayo Clinic in the US. 'What we didn't find is the explanation for that link.'Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Magic Of High Self Esteem

Maximum Self-Esteem: The Handbook for Reclaiming Your Sense of Self-Worth

The term, Self Esteem, is tossed around in everyday conversation but most people do not know the exact meaning of it. Most people think that self esteem is the other name for self confidence. Of course, self confidence is included in the definition of self esteem but self esteem covers much more than self confidence. True magic happens once you understand self esteem and learn how to have higher self esteem than you now have.

You may be surprised to know that there are millions of people that are at the height of their self confidence but have very poor self esteem. In fact, most of the human race fall into this category. The most common examples are movie actors, comedians, and singers who excel when performing and who are extremely insecure out of the public eye.

So what is self esteem, exactly? Self esteem is what we think and say about ourselves to ourselves.

If you trash talk yourself, you have to stop. You wouldn't verbally beat up a friend, so don't do it to yourself either. Take out a sheet of paper and make a list of all the bad things you think and say about yourself. Now make another list of positive things you could say instead. Whenever you catch yourself thinking or saying something negative, immediately stop and counter it with something positive. This will take some practice, but you will eventually be able to stop all the trash talk and think and feel much better about yourself.

Did you know that self esteem and health are inextricably linked? By keeping healthy, you will feel motivated to identify and achieve your life goals, which leads to higher self esteem. In turn, having high self esteem means that you value yourself enough to want to look after your health!

In adolescents, even the most confident of adolescents can grow up to experience low self esteem and to feel unworthy. Adult life can be tough and it can sometimes feel like "survival of the fittest" so adolescents act out as a defense mechanism to cover low self esteem.

One of the easiest steps to improve self esteem is to push yourself to do "difficult" things.

This breeds a sense of pride.

Pride in yourself and your accomplishments will give you a higher opinion of yourself (the esteem you have for yourself). By using your willpower to actually do some of these things, your self esteem will grow and along with it your perception of your own abilities. This in turn will create a momentum in your life where success breeds more success.

Never compare yourself with others. Every single person on the Earth has one attribute or another that you do not have. You have attributes that they do not have.

Comparisons are the easiest way to start feeling inferior and losing most of your self esteem. Instead, think about yourself in terms of your achievements. This will help you build or rebuild your self-confidence and it will make you feel better when dealing with your peer group at the same time. The result is self esteem magic in action.

The greater your self confidence, the greater your self esteem.

Focus on your achievements. If you take the time to think about it, you will realize that you have achieved many things in your life. It doesn't matter what these achievements are. It only matters that they have been recognized by at least one other person. We all have such achievements. List them and remember what it meant to you to have them recognized by someone else.

It doesn't matter what you think about your overall life at present. If you are honest with yourself you will make a long list of positive things you have done and that list will make you feel better about yourself. Every small thing you are proud of should be added to your list. The fact that you are focusing on positives will also help you to increase your level of self esteem.

One of the most important things you should be aware of is the erroneous belief that you need to be different from how you are in order to be loved. This idea causes a great deal of misery. Unless you are happy within, you'll never be truly satisfied with what you do. Liking yourself unconditionally is the key to happiness. Yes, you need to like yourself as you are and grow from there.

With improved self-esteem, your relationships with others will improve as well.

You don't have to be perfect because even the most loved person in the world make’s mistakes! You don't even have to do your best. You don't have to prove anything. You're all right because you're all right, and lovable exactly as you are.

I'm in your corner cheering you on!
Author Info:

Jim DeSantis is a retired TV News Anchor and News Director who created "Self Esteem Magic", a guaranteed step-by-step approach to start raising your Self Esteem in one weekend. Change your life starting this weekend - here - .

Nathaniel Branden''s Self-Esteem Every Day: Reflections on Self-Esteem & Spirituality

Nathaniel Branden''s Self-Esteem Every Day: Reflections on Self-Esteem & Spirituality

A pocket-sized package of wise advice and persuasive prescriptions, this collection of inspirational quotations brings together reflections that refresh our appreciation of the good things in life ...

Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons Bring Changing Moods

By: Shaun Parker

Winter is coming up and this is the time when people get a closer look at the interior of their homes and begin to think that they are looking a little worn and dreary. Those long summer evenings spent in pub gardens or out at barbeques are a fading memory and the nights are about to draw in to the point of being dark on the way home from work.

This is all very nice if you can cosy up in front of a fire in a warm, comfortable room but it is at this point that you begin to look around and become just a bit dissatisfied with your decor. However, just at the time when you are wanting to close windows early, do you really want a room full of paint fumes? At the end of a work day, do you really want to come home to reams of wallpaper draped over the furniture and that coldness that means you have no choice but to finish what you started weeks ago before you can settle down for the evening?

Well, there is an alternative. You can quickly spruce up your home with the use of little touches that make it look different, that bring fresh touches and that invoke lasting memories that warm you from the inside. So, how to do this.

Well, humans base a great deal on the visual. Anything that pertains to what we see provokes thoughts, feelings, discussions and memories. To this end, one of my favourite ways of changing the mood in a room is to install a digital photo frame. We can bring technology to such useful ideas these days that no home should be without one.

Simply hook your digital photo frame up to your pc with a wireless connection or USB cable and line up your favourite photos and pictures that you want to display in your room. Injecting flashes of colour this way will mean a regularly changing feel to your view. You can set the digital photo frame to a changing display format or one simple picture. You can even plug in a memory card to avoid the need of trailing wires.

Is this really all it takes to change the atmosphere in a room? Well, it can be, it really depends on your flair and the sorts of things that you like to see. Not everyone likes to have the TV as a focal point in a room and it could be a bit to early to make the fire that focal point. However, a room does need some interest other than that box in the corner.

Imagine if you had a fairly blank wall, or possibly a coffee table top, that was looking a little blank. You could set up your digital photo frame, choose a selection of pictures that could range from favourite family portraits to holiday snaps to party pictures or even scenery or landscape pictures from the internet. Anything that makes you feel good when you look at it, or mentally takes you somewhere else when you need it, is going to mean you have the right choice of pictures displayed.

You can soon alter the feel of a room with added extras eg. throws, cushions, candles - all are inexpensive ways of adding colour and vibrancy to a room and if they were colour co-ordinated with your chosen display of pictures this would bring the whole scheme together.

Author Resource:-> Shaun Parker is a leading interior design expert with many years of experience in the decorating industry. Find out more about digital photo frames at

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Breathe Into Wholeness: Meditation Using Wind Chimes

By: Rachel Betzen

Pure and finely tuned sound is a powerful tool when combined with different meditative stress-relieving techniques to ease physical and emotional pressures on the mind and body. We often discover that when troubled with a particularly difficult problem, clearing the mind allows not only for the body to release where we hold this worry, but also frees us to new possibilities and solutions.

For those who are suffering from physical pains, utilizing relaxing and stress reducing techniques can soften our responses and break up larger areas of discomfort, helping us better take care of our ourselves. Simply allowing time to slow our bodies down and clear our minds, helps us all better handle what comes our way in life.

The use of hand tuned quality windchimes helps to focus awareness and makes practicing these strategies much easier, as the melodies intertwine and are pleasing to the ear. As you engage in meditation with windchimes use their gentle ringing as a reminder of your intentions, allowing deeper and further release into your practice.

The Meditation Techniques

Thoughts blown away...

Many times in a meditation practice we may have difficulty clearing away the mind and releasing our thoughts. This meditation technique is an excellent way to begin with the intentions of letting go of our thoughts, opening us to a deeper relaxation and meditative practice.

This technique can be practiced indoors with your windchime nearby, or outdoors on a light breezy day. When inside place a fan across the room to play the wind chimes, it may also be helpful to use a fan that oscillates and will thus play the windchimes at regular intervals.

Sitting comfortably, align your body so that the spine is straight, but you feel relaxed through the shoulders and back. Breathe slowly and deeply, relaxing across the forehead and above the bridge of the nose.

As you feel the breeze and hear the ring of the windchimes, imagine that same breeze gently blowing away your thoughts. With each toll of the chime, allow the winds to further dislodge thoughts, worries and stresses from your mind. Let go of your thoughts as if you were opening a fisted hand and allowing them to drift away on the soft winds.

As you slowly end this technique and welcome back your thoughts, take a moment to give thanks for the simple blessings that come forward with gentle meditative practice.

Soaring on winds....

This meditation technique is best practiced where you can sit comfortably and feel fully supported. The use of an oscillating fan indoors is recommended. Find a seated position where you feel supported with the spine straight and shoulders resting comfortably. Breathe fully and deeply. As the breezes bring forward the sound from the wind-chimes, quiet both mind and body.

With the gentle toll of the windchimes, feel your thoughts blown away as you first practiced with the above technique. Allow each part of the body to soften, beginning at the crown of the head. Focus your awareness across the head and remain in that area for a few moments.

Notice the shifts that take place as your body relaxes here. Breathe deeply, and on the exhale allow your awareness to drift downward to your neck as you observe the calming changes there. Lengthen the breath. Next in your chest. Then move to the arms, and slowly throughout the rest of the body.

As this process of relaxing takes place, visualize your body becoming lighter, the contours becoming softer. With each chime that sounds, deepen the breath. Picture the body slowly filling with pure light, beginning at the top of the head and moving through your entire body.

Deepen each breath further, slowing to only four of five breaths per minute. As thoughts or concerns return prematurely, let the music of each chime be a gentle reminder for the winds to lift them away from mind and body.

You feel a deep relaxation that extends throughout your entire body. Continue with this practice until your awareness has moved through the entire body, and your whole being has softened with pure light and sound. Visualize your body as pure and healthy, floating in space, more deeply releasing with each arising tone. Allow your awareness to float freely within the body for a few more moments.

As you complete this exercise and again turn attention to your thoughts, allow your heart to fill with gratitude for the peace of mind that comes with the gift of deep relaxation.

Easing the discomfort....

This final meditation technique similarly can be practiced indoors with your windchime, or outside when there is a light breeze. An oscillating fan is particularly helpful for this technique as it is easier to begin with chimes at regularly spaced intervals. At times we all experience discomfort or pain within the body, which may be worsened by the confines of everyday stresses. Those who have pain in the body on a regular basis may also practice working with those sensations through this technique.

Begin by finding a comfortable position, either seated or lying down with the body as supported as possible. Slowly relax each part of the body moving downwards from your head to your feet, deepening the breath. Do not hold your breath, but rather visualize it's movement as ocean waves continuously in slow motion.

Feel the rise and fall of the breath moving through your belly and chest. As your body becomes more relaxed, specific areas of discomfort may become more noticeable. Choosing one area at a time to work with helps us to break down large areas of pain into smaller pieces that are easier to manage.

Listen for the next toll of the wind chime. Then, place your consciousness in an area where there is discomfort, no matter whether great or small. Focus your awareness in this area and relax, breathing into the discomfort. Open your heart to the sensations that you are feeling in that area at that moment. With each sound of the tuned wind-chime, further pinpoint your awareness, while also relaxing, breathing, and opening to that specific area.

You may feel a change, an increase in intensity or a softening of the pain. Or you may feel no change at all. Stay with the feeling that arises for a few moments, opening and releasing to that area, and then allow your intention to shift to another area of discomfort and again practice the deepening and opening of the heart to this place in your body.

Use the sound of the windchimes to lengthen the breath, and as a reminder to open the heart and relax into each specific area. Continue moving through the areas of discomfort in the body with the tuned wind chimes as a guide for practice.

As you complete this meditation technique pause to give a moment of thanks for the guidance you are giving your body in managing discomfort.

Author Resource:-> Rachel Betzen operates the on-line wind chimes store and is committed to social and environmental business practices. Rachel is grateful for the change of pace that comes from managing chronic illness, along with it's challenges and many blessings. She enjoys gardening and the practice of writing in nature.

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Meditation And The Bible

Meditation And The Bible

A highly radical interpretation of the Bible demonstrating the methods of meditation used by the Prophets to attain their unique states of consciousness

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Meditate to Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Abilities

Meditation is a group of mental training techniques .You can use meditation to improve mental health and capacities, and also to help improve the physical health. Some of these techniques are very simple, so you can learn them from a book or an article; others require guidance by a qualified meditation teacher.

Most techniques called meditation include these components:
You sit or lie in a relaxed position.
You breathe regularly. You breathe in deep enough to get enough oxygen. When you breathe out, you relax your muscles so that your lungs are well emptied, but without straining.
You stop thinking about everyday problems and matters.
You concentrate your thoughts upon some sound, some word you repeat, some image, some abstract concept or some feeling. Your whole attention should be pointed at the object you have chosen to concentrate upon.
If some foreign thoughts creep in, you just stop this foreign thought, and go back to the object of meditation.
The different meditation techniques differ according to the degree of concentration, and how foreign thoughts are handled. By some techniques, the objective is to concentrate so intensely that no foreign thoughts occur at all.
In other techniques, the concentration is more relaxed so that foreign thoughts easily pop up. When these foreign thoughts are discovered, one stops these and goes back to the pure meditation in a relaxed manner. Thoughts coming up, will often be about things you have forgotten or suppressed, and allow you to rediscover hidden memory material. This rediscovery will have a psychotherapeutic effect.

Meditation has the following effects:
Meditation will give you rest and recreation.
You learn to relax.
You learn to concentrate better on problem solving.
Meditation often has a good effect upon the blood pressure.
Meditation has beneficial effects upon inner body processes, like circulation, respiration and digestion.
Regular meditation will have a psychotherapeutically effect.
Regular meditation will facilitate the immune system.
Meditation is usually pleasant.

Hypnosis may have some of the same relaxing and psychotherapeutic effects as meditation. However, when you meditate you are in control yourself; by hypnosis you let some other person or some mechanical device control you. Also hypnosis will not have a training effect upon the ability to concentrate.

Here is a simple form of meditation. By this meditation technique, you should concentrate in an easy manner. This will allow foreign thoughts to pop up. These are handled one by one as they appear. You proceed as follows:
Sit in a good chair in a comfortable position.
Relax all your muscles as well as you can.
Stop thinking about anything, or at least try not to think about anything.
Breath out, relaxing all the muscles in your breathing apparatus.
Repeat the following in 10 - 20 minutes. Breath in so deep that you feel you get enough oxygen. Breath out, relaxing your chest and diaphragm completely. Every time you breathe out, think the word 'one' or another simple word inside yourself. You should think the word in a prolonged manner, and so that you hear it inside you, but you should try to avoid using your mouth or voice.
If foreign thoughts come in, just stop these thoughts in a relaxed manner, and keep on concentrating upon the breathing and the word you repeat.

As you proceed through this meditation, you should feel steadily more relaxed in your mind and body, feel that you breathe steadily more effectively, and that the blood circulation throughout your body gets more efficient. You may also feel an increasing mental pleasure throughout the meditation.

As any kind of training, meditation may be exaggerated so that you get tired and worn out. Therefore you should not meditate so long or so concentrated that you feel tired or mentally emptied.
Meditation may sometimes give problems for people suffering from mental diseases, epilepsy, serious heart problems or neurological diseases. On the other hand, meditation may be of help in the treatment of these and other conditions.

People suffering from such conditions should check out what effects the different kinds of meditation have on their own kind of health problems, before beginning to practice meditation, and be cautious if they choose to begin to meditate. It may be wise to learn meditation from an experienced teacher, psychologist or health worker that use meditation as a treatment module for the actual disease.

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Experience of Meditation

Experience of Meditation

Overview of meditation and how the major traditions are similar or different from one another.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Which Mental Health professional should I choose?

Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Counselor? Which Mental Health Professional should I Choose? From Cary

By: Mike Shery

You have finally decided you want to consult a psychologist, psychiatrist or other mental health professional, but how do you go about choosing which one will meet your unique needs? There are at least 5 different types of mental health treatment providers from which to choose.

Do not just consider the professional degree when picking a counselor or therapist. Do you want a male or female?

Do you want one who is an expert in marriage counseling? Individual counseling? Substance abuse treatment? Do you want a therapist who prescribes drugs?

How about one who can X Ray your personality by using tests? One who can administer hypnosis? Electroshock?

A good first step would be to consult with a healthcare professional who knows the answers to these questions. Call the psychology or psychiatry department at a university.

Talk to a psychology instructor at a local community college or contact the behavioral health unit in your local hospital or your community crisis line.

It is important to be familiar with the training, skills and treatment philosophy of the various types of professionals, and then match what you prefer with what a particular treatment provider has to offer.

Also, talk to the representative of an organization which is concerned with issues like yours i.e. marriage, anxiety, depression etc. Their opinions are invaluable, as they are in contact with many different patients and treatment providers who are concerned with the very same issues as you and they have first hand knowledge of the characteristics and qualities of different types of counselors and therapists.

Your 5 main choices of mental health treatment providers are: The marriage and family counselor, the psychologist, the psychiatrist, the professional mental health counselor and the clinical social worker.

The marriage and family counselor has one to two years of graduate training in counseling those with troubled marriages and family problems. He or she will have a masters degree and will likely have done an internship.

The advantage of using these professionals is that you are working with someone who has intense training in this one area of counseling. The disadvantage is that some insurance companies may not cover their services.

The psychologist holds a doctoral degree in psychology. Some consider him or her to be the most highly trained of mental health professionals. The psychologist has approximately 6 years of college training in the psychological sciences; 2 years of upper division in college and 3 to 4 years of post-graduate school.

A psychologist is trained to do counseling, psychotherapy, research and mental X Rays, better known as psychological testing. They practice marriage and family counseling and therapy to eliminate anxiety, depression as well as the entire range of psychological disorders.

The advantages of using a psychologist are that he is the most highly trained in psychological practice, is an expert in providing cutting edge treatment for diverse problems and uses psychological testing to provide revealing information about how your mind works.

Also, in many cases, he or she is a trained mental health researcher, meaning, in this case, the psychologist is trained not to just practice psychology, but also to contribute to it through research.

Another advantage is that their services are covered by almost all insurance companies who provide mental health coverage.

The clinical social worker and professional counselor provide counseling to eliminate family problems and troubles arising from depression, anxiety, agitation and other emotional disorders. They have from one to two years of post-college level training in counseling and mental health.

The social worker holds a masters degree in social work while the professional counselor holds one in counseling. They both must do an internship and pass a comprehensive examination to practice independently.

Psychiatrists have most of their training in medicine, chemistry and the biological sciences. Their central training in psychiatry and mental health is usually received in the 3 year residency in psychiatry.

They hold a doctoral degree in medicine or osteopathy and receive no substantive training in counseling, family therapy, marital therapy or psychological testing.

They are mainly used to prescribe medication and administer occasional electroshock treatments. Their services are covered by all health insurance companies.

As you can see, there is a wide variety of professionals available to treat emotional problems. The one crucial ingredient, however, is the quality of the rapport you have with your provider.

It is important to check educational credentials, experience and any history of disciplinary action by your state Board. But even after all these check-out, be sure you trust and have an excellent rapport with your therapist, or you might have to start all over again!

Author Resource:-> Dr Shery is in Cary, IL, near Algonquin, Crystal Lake, Marengo and Lake-in-the-Hills. He's an expert psychologist. Call 1 847 516 0899 and make an appt orlearn more about counseling at:

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