Thursday, May 28, 2009

Menopause and Mood Swings

Author: Julie

If you thought your PMS was bad it’s nothing compared to the mood swings you’ll face during menopause. The good news is you’re not alone. Any woman who’s already navigated through this new chapter in life knows that changes in mood and irritability are all a part of the deal. That doesn’t make it anymore reassuring. You don’t feel like yourself. People are getting on your nerves more than ever. The slightest action is causing tears. You’re probably beginning to feel helpless and unsure of yourself. There are a few simple things that can be done to help you feel in control.

There’s still a lot of research to be done about what causes mood swings during menopause. We are sure that fluctuating hormones are to blame. It’s hard to feel happy one minute and sad the next. When you feel unexplained emotion it’s best to recognize that you’re having a mood swing. Avoiding stress can help you maximize the control you have.

Exercise and diet can also help eliminate mood swings. Ample exercise can help increase energy levels. Increased energy levels will help you get better sleep. Uninterrupted sleep will reduce anxiety, anger and irritability. Some women find natural remedies helpful in fighting off mood swings. Yoga, meditation, massage and acupuncture can provide quiet time and stress relief. Black Cohosh has also been proven to help balance moods. If you’re feeling particularly helpless it’s important to talk to your doctor. If you are on a treatment plan your doctor needs to know that it is not improving your mood swings.

If you're suffering from mood swings, you probably feel like your life is spiraling out of control. You must consult your doctor and try regulating the activities in your every day life in order to gain control. Mood swings do not have to be an accepted side effect of menopause.

You remember who you used to be. Imagine no longer being annoyed by your children or feeling sad at the drop of a hat. You can feel in control! Start on the road to a mood swing free life today.

About the Author:

Are you going through menopause and want to stay active, healthy, and feeling like yourself? Don't wait another minute to relieve menopause symptoms and start a diet plan that works for your life!

Article Source: - Menopause and Mood Swings

Walk Your Way Through Menopause

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Stop a Panic Attack in 5 Minutes

Author: Jason Ellis

Most often a Panic Attack will hit you at the most inconvenient moment possible. It's just the nature of the beast. Maybe the Panic Attack will creep up on you slowly through a stressful day or maybe it will come out of nowhere and hit you like a ton of bricks.

No matter what the scenario, it's rarely going to happen when you're in a calm and soothing environment.

This article is going to show you an effective 3 Step Strategy for ending the Panic Attack within 5 minutes naturally. The tactic you’re about to learn will work every time without fail, once you know exactly what to do.

I’m not just preaching these tips. I’ve had quite bit of history with panic and anxiety in the past.

In my experience with Panic Attacks, I'd usually be in the middle of some arbitrary, moderately stressful activity. Phone calls at work became huge anxiety triggers for me.

There were times when I would have the attacks in the middle of work while I was on hold with a vendor or a client and I would just immediately have to hang up.

Sometimes I would be sound asleep and wake in the night with a pounding chest and numbness of the extremities. That's called a Nocturnal Panic Attack.

On other occasions I would venture out of my apartment and in those few hours an attack would strike in the middle of a grocery store or while I was crossing the street.

Also, as you probably already know, the embarrassment from having the Panic Attack in front of others can heighten the symptoms of the attack.

Panic Attacks, especially for those who are new to them, are EXTREMELY frightening. To put it simply, it can feel like you're going to die. Of course that's not what's really happening to your body, but many first time Panic Attack sufferers will describe the event saying:

"It felt like I was dying..."

You literally feel that you don't have control over your body. Your extremities go numb, your adrenaline is racing, your head spins -- Really there's a whole host of symptoms that you begin to experience.

Let's just quickly go over some of them below. What I'm about to teach you will make a whole lot more sense when you see the symptoms laid out.

The symptoms of a panic attack include…

  • Hyperventilation
  • Dizziness
  • An uncontrollable, rising sense of panic (terror, fear, anxiety)
  • Light Headiness
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Chest Pains
  • Dry Mouth
  • Clammy Hands
  • Numbness of the extremities
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Urgent need to go to the bathroom

Now what I want to address right away is how closely many of these symptoms correspond to the symptoms of a heart attack. When you’re having a panic attack, your chest is POUNDING. It feels like it’s just going to pop out of your sternum.

So immediately, for most panic attack sufferers, they assume they’re having some kind of heart attack and that leads to the ultimate terror that they’re dying.

This downward spiral of fear is what feeds the attack and leads the symptoms to escalate further.

So up until now I've just told you about the chaos of an attack. It'll happen when you don't expect it at an inconvenient moment. You won't understand immediately what's happening to your body. It's extremely frightening and there's a whole bunch of other uncomfortable stuff you'll be experiencing after the panic sets it. Sound like fun so far?

Yeah, I'm not too satisfied with that scenario either...So let's fight back with techniques that WORK!

For all the reasons listed above, you'll need to know the Panic Attack self defense techniques I'm about to show you. They're easy to apply during an attack and they work like a charm in ANY Panic Attack situation.

Step 1 : Recognizing the Attack

The first trick is the hardest for some. You must recognize the attack. Sounds easy enough, but when your anxiety was as bad as mine was, I was telling myself:

"Oh no, not this one. This one is for real. My heart is finally going to pop from all these attacks. My body can't take anymore. I feel myself dying" and so on.

It was devastating. And it's that negative thought process and depressive attitude that feeds and escalates the attack.

So step 1 is recognize the attack. Know that it IS a panic attack and people don't die from panic attacks. It's that simple. Believe it. The utmost belief of this fact is where the power lies.

It may take you a minute or two to convince yourself. However, if it's not your first Panic Attack, then you should be confident in identifying what's happening to your body and mind.

Step 2 : Breath and Count

Next your going to start counting. Ignore everything around you. Nothing else matters. Get through this. That's ALL that matters.

After you've recognized the attack, begin to count in your head. Count 1,2,3,4 -- 1,2,3,4 -- 1,2,3,4 pausing on the dashes and so on. Now you might be thinking:

"Hey, that's easier said than done. When I'm having an attack I can't even think."

That's why you're not going to say or even think the numbers. You're going to breath the numbers.

Take a deep breath in through your nose for the 1 and 2. Then take a deep breath out through your mouth for the 3 and 4. Practice this routine for a few minutes a day until it becomes an automated exercise for you.

Practicing really helps a lot. If you practice in a controlled environment, when a Panic Attack hits, this self-defense mechanism will seem routine.

If you are truly hyperventilating out of control when the Panic Attack hits, breathing into a paper bag will help you get to the point where you can begin this exercise. Once you have regained some control of your breathing, remove the paper bag and begin the Counting Technique.

When you go into these breathing exercises you immediately shift your brain's focus from fear to action. You take control of your body and all the symptoms with this one important step.

Here's why this Step is so important...

Remember before when I said it was important to list out the Panic Attack symptoms?

Well by now I'm sure you're familiar with many of the symptoms. That's not why I laid them out above.

I listed the symptoms above to illustrate a very important point. Panic Attack symptoms occur as a chain reaction to the offset of breathing that happens in the body.

When a Panic Attack hits, shortness of breath or hyperventilation kicks in. The change in oxygen intake is what causes the dizziness and light headiness.

When those symptoms kick in, your fear escalates. Your body goes into "emergency mode" and begins conserving blood flow and the circulation of oxygen. This leads to the numbness in your extremities.

All this time, further panic has been setting in and your heart beats have become stronger as your brain reaches a higher sense of urgency.

The symptoms go on and on but my main point here is that it all starts with controlled breathing.

Do NOT overlook your breathing in the fight against Panic Attacks. It is an absolutely essential tool.

Step 3 : Finding the Root Cause

The calming down step is perhaps just as important as Step 2. Panic Attacks are traumatic. Soon after an attack, your mind catches up to what has just happened and a real emotional rollercoaster sets in.

You begin to question your stability and how capable you are of handling the world around you.

If you've had an attack, it's important to contact a therapist or doctor shortly after.

Don't get me wrong here. I'm not telling you to commit yourself to years of therapy for one panic attack.

However, let's be honest with eachother.

Panic Attacks don't happen without reason. Something triggered the attack. It could be stress at work. It could be stress in a relationship. It could be a General Anxiety Disorder. Whatever the cause is...don't ignore it.

Find a therapist or doctor you are comfortable with and begin exploring why your attack occurred. Don't be afraid of the answers you might find.

Life is far too precious to spend worrying and panicking. Take the time and make the effort to resolve your Panic Attacks. Don't put it off. Do it today.

You can start right now at

The site has an amazing FREE video called Anxiety Free Tactics which shows you a multitude of anxiety and panic treatments including how to stop nighttime anxiety, overcoming social phobias, dealing with depression, acupressure points for stress and also a cool technique for thinking in a positive light no matter what.

Check it out right now here.

About the Author:

Jason Ellis has been helping people overcome their anxiety and panic for years. His expertise deals with controlling the symptoms of stress and anxiety by applying proven, natural treatments for panic that bring results in minutes. You can find all of Jason's natural treatments for anxiety exclusively at
Panic Attack Workbook

Article Source: - How to Stop a Panic Attack in 5 Minutes

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Be all you can be." Many people live up to this quote. They strive to do their best in everything they do. They give 100% at everything. However, some people want to be more than they can. They will change themselves (through self improvement) so they can become better than they are.

If you want to improve yourself you must first understand yourself. If you don't understand who you are how will you improve yourself? Well you can't, you must know who you are, what you want and what you don't want. In this article I will reveal 10 questions that will help you understand yourself and with this information it will be easy to improve yourself.

1. What do I really want? Well what do you really want? This can be for both the present and future. Do you want to start a family, exercise more or buy that car you've always wanted. Many of us have busy days which mean it is hard for us to think or do what we really want to. If this is you, take a bit of time for yourself to think about this. It helps you think of what you really want to do which is a small step towards improvement. 2. Should I really change? This is the most vital question to self improvement. Do you really NEED to change? If so what are you looking to change, maybe it's the fact that you are too shy or maybe you want to change your appearance and maybe even your personality. If you know what you want to change you can start improving it straight away.

3. What's the bright light in my life? At times life can seem like a dark tunnel and you feel like you will never see the light again. Don't think like that! You need to think positive. Of course life will have its downside but you have to think positive. Think of the fun things you have done with people, the places you have been and the new people you have met. These things are the light at the end of your tunnel.

4. Am I comfortable with what I'm doing? You are unique. There is no one like you and you have your fingerprints to prove that too (no one has the same fingerprints). Are you comfortable to changing into something you aren't, are you comfortable to change into someone who is less unique? Are you willing to be the same as others who too are trying to improve themselves.

5. Have I done enough for myself? Do you feel like you have done enough? Have you accomplished something special in your life? If not then go for it! Everyone has done something for themselves no matter how big or small. Make sure you do too.

Not everyone is perfect but there is no need to be either. Everyone is unique in their special way and to try and become perfect you are becoming less unique as a lot of people too are trying to become perfect. Ask yourself these 5 questions to get a better insight to yourself and that will help you know what you need to improve yourself.
The Therapist''s Workbook: Self-Assessment, Self-Care, and Self-Improvement Exercises for Mental Health Professionals

About the Author
Need more self-improvement info? Then check out for more articles to help improve yourself

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Is Perseverance innate or learned?

Author: Roseanna Leaton

What makes some people keep going when most others have become dejected, exhausted and disillusioned about their chances of ultimate success? What is going on in the inner workings of one's mind which makes them know that they should keep going when the far easier and the apparently more sensible option is to step back and retire gracefully with a crooked smile pasted upon your face?

Some would say you learn to be tough and dogged about things through example and experience; others believe that perseverance is a characteristic which we are all born with, although negative experience has the ability to beat it out of us. Looking at both of these views from the perspective of having a glass that is half full, as opposed to half empty, one can surmise that either way, perseverance CAN be learned; Because, even if an innate perseverance has been depleted for whatever reason, it is still somewhere deep inside, hidden and yet awaiting it's recovery and glorious re-emergence.

What makes a child keep on trying to stand up and walk? After all, each and every one of us must have fallen on to our bottoms a thousand times during this learning curve! Doesn't this tell us that we do have a natural talent to persevere? And what makes a child learn a language which has so many complexities and keep going until they have it mastered? You and I did have the grit to persevere when we were 1 and 2 and 3 years of was there, be it innate or learned...and so we all have the potential to persevere at any age, throughout any circumstances, and achieve the success which we so desire.

And desire goes hand in hand with perseverance. As Abraham Lincoln said "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing". Your own desire or willingness to pursue your goal is a key factor here. A burning desire charges you with enthusiasm, and enables you to see opportunities which others may miss; it turns you into an optimist as opposed to a pessimist.

There are many well known visionaries who have succeeded despite major disadvantages. Beethoven was deaf; Thomas Edison had a learning problem, as did Albert Einstein, whilst Vincent Van Gogh was mentally ill. These people had vision, they could see, hear, touch and feel the success they sought, before they found the right path. They could imagine the end result in which they were in pursuit, and this was the fuel which stoked the fire of their enthusiasm and desire, which in turn fed their perseverance.

When one is running out of steam, or feels low on juice, they have in fact simply lost their vision. The key to perseverance is in hanging on to your vision, thereby training your brain for success. Everyone can learn to do this, and hypnosis is an invaluable asset, because it allows access to the inner workings of your mind. Hypnosis is a vehicle which transports you back to that stage of life when it was easier to learn new things, when your subconscious mind is open to suggestion. You can regain that perseverance you had when you were learning to walk, and to talk. You can learn to turn your vision into reality with the help of hypnosis downloads.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for motivation and success.

About the Author:

With a degree in psychology and qualifications in hypnotherapy, NLP and sports psychology, Roseanna Leaton is one of the leading practitioners of self-improvement. You can get a free hypnosis download from and peruse her extensive library of hypnosis downloads for motivation and success.

Article Source: - Is Perseverance innate or learned?

Perseverance: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Conversational Hypnosis Techniques That Anyone Can Learn

Author: Con

Hypnosis is one of those things that people have been studying for over two hundred years and still don't really understand why it works. All we know is that it does. During the two hundred years that hypnosis has been under scrutiny several different hypnotic techniques have been developed but none are as impressive as conversational hypnosis.

Dr. Milton Erickson

Hypnosis: Medicine of the Mind - A Complete Manual on Hypnosis for the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Practitioner

The person who gets the most credit honing, if not creating all of the conversational hypnosis techniques that are currently being used today is Dr. Milton Erickson. What is even more remarkable about Dr. Erickson is that he was able to hone his conversational hypnosis techniques on his psychiatric patients during an era when it was illegal to combine hypnosis and medicine.

To learn more about Dr. Milton Erickson and conversational hypnosis techniques you should make time to visit this website

The website is designed to not only inform about conversational hypnosis techniques but to also teach you how to use conversational hypnosis in your own life.

When you will find that you have the truly amazing opportunity to purchase a conversational hypnosis course that is actually being taught by an internationally acclaimed master hypnosis, Igor Lebochowski.

Audio CD's

The first thing you will get when you purchase the course is twelve audiotapes. Each of these audio CD's equals one conversational hypnosis technique. For example the first CD will teach you conversational hypnosis techniques you will learn includes the three keys to conversational hypnosis, signs that the person you are trying to hypnotize has slipped into a trance, and a four stage hypnotic formula. With each CD you will learn additional conversational hypnosis techniques.

The Blueprints

In addition to the audio CD's you will also receive four small booklets that are designed to act like blue prints to simplify Mr. Lebochowski's conversational hypnosis techniques for the moments when you don't have time to listen to the CD's. These blueprints are small and can easily be slipped into a purse, book bag, or briefcase.

A Copy of the Transcripts

The other item that you will get when you order the conversational hypnotic course is a 629 page manuscript that is full of the transcripts from every single session. This means you can further strengthen your understanding of the conversational hypnosis techniques by reading the transcript while you are listening to the audio CD. The manuscript is also convenient when you want to quickly double checks some bit of information.

Live Support

The conversational hypnosis course is suppose to be easy to understand and is designed so that every person who purchase it will be able to successfully use conversational hypnosis to better their lives, but just in case you happen to get stuck with one of the conversational hypnosis techniques, you will be able to get live support offline when you purchase the hypnosis course. If for whatever reason you are not completely amazed with the conversational hypnosis course it comes with a sixty day, money back guarantee. For more details visit

About the Author:
For the best Conversational Hypnosis Techniques available online visit">">

Article Source: - Conversational Hypnosis Techniques That Anyone Can Learn

Dynamically Anchored Self Hypnosis: How to Create Your Own Best Future Using the World''s Quickest and Easiest Self Hypnosis Technique