Sunday, January 25, 2009
How To Hypnotize Someone With One Five Minute Lesson
Here are some simple facts.
Hypnosis is nothing more than directly contacting the subconscious mind.
There is nothing unnatural about hypnosis, in fact you have been doing it all your life without knowing it.
There is nothing mystical or religious about hypnosis (however religions do utilize it).
Hypnosis is easy, safe and practical.
Following this easy exercise you will know how to hypnotize people, and debunk all the myths you may have thought about hypnosis. If you can set aside your misconceptions for a few minutes, I will show you what 95% of hypnosis is really about.
First find a guinea pig and have them be comfortably seated with both feet on the ground.
Start with a three very slow deep breaths. Have them close their eyes and relax.
Tell them they will not be hypnotized, this is just a relaxation exercise you learned. They will remain completely awake and aware through the entire exercise.
Next breathe in through the nose filling the lungs completely with air. Hold the breath for a few seconds and then slowly exhale through their mouths, relaxing their face head and neck as they exhale.
Breath in again deeply and slowly, this time while they exhale, have them relax their arms, chest and abdomen.
Have them relax from the waist down as they exhale slowly. Start with the hips moving down the legs to the bottoms of their feet.
Have your volunteer extend both arms in front of them.
Tell them on their right arm is a bag of groceries hanging. It's not very heavy, just enough to notice the weight of the bag.
On the other arm, have them imagine a bunch of helium balloons tied to their arm.
Now paint them a vivid picture of the bag of groceries. Describe the bag to them, what kind of cans are in the bag. What size they are, what color the bag is, etc.
Now paint the picture of the balloons. How many of them are there. What color they all are. What do some of them say on them, etc.
Next turn your attention back to the bag. Start adding cans to the bag. Have them notice the weight of the bag getting heavier and heavier as you add the peas, corn, then the green beans, constantly getting heavier and harder to hold up.
Now return to the balloons. Start adding balloons. The whole time making their arm lighter and lighter. They begin to struggle to keep their arm down as the balloons keep trying to lifting their arm.
Return from one arm to the other back and forth, making one arm lighter and the other arm heavier.
Within a short time of describing what is on each arm, you will notice their arms start moving. One will go up, and one will go down. They may move quite noticeable or only slightly.
Make your descriptions very vivid, describe everything in complete detail. Once one or both arms have moved, have your volunteer open their eyes and notice the location of their arms.
They will be astounded, and so should you. You just learned how to hypnotize people.
About the Author: Learn how to hypnotize people today for free!
Visit my site, dedicated to furthering hypnosis for the average person. You really can learn how to hypnotize people.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Treating Anxiety Attacks – 5 Steps to Deal With Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Treating Anxiety Attacks – 5 Steps to Deal With Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Author: Ricky LimOften associated with nervousness and fear, anxiety can become an illness where you can experience irrational feelings. Some of the symptoms of anxiety disorders include sweating, nausea, hot flushes and chest pains. But, these are quite common symptoms and are sometimes diagnosed wrongly or they are just overlooked.
There are a lot of types of anxiety, including post trauma anxiety, social anxiety disorder, panic anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety. If you think that you have anxiety disorder, you should look for the advice of a doctor.
Here are a few guidelines on how you can deal with anxiety in 5 steps. You should talk with a doctor and only use these tips as an add on.
Step 1: Relaxation Techniques
If you can learn how to relax you can fight the anxiety attack symptoms, like sweating, racing heartbeat, muscle tension and tremors. Learn techniques like muscle relaxation and meditation and use them to relax when an anxiety attack is coming.
Step 2: Exercise
You should always exercise if you want to remain healthy. If you’re healthy you can keep yourself at a good psychological level. Also, make sure you rest well and you keep the environment relaxed around you.
Step 3: Balanced Diet
A diet that is balanced can provide you with the nutrients that you need to be at your best. Don’t drink coffee and don’t use anything from the alcohol, cigarettes or drugs categories. That’s because they speed up your heartbeat and can provoke the anxiety disorder symptoms.
Step 4: Seek Emotional Support
You should learn to spot when you have problems and ask for the help from your friends and family when you need it. Tell them what happened and let them help you to recover from anxiety disorder. If you can, look for advice on how you can eliminate anxiety. Support groups can also be a good idea and can help you.
Step 5: Self Monitoring
After you find out what the causes are for your attacks, you should look for the triggers. Once you know this you can look for ways on how you can avoid them.
About the Author:
Joe Barry, a former panic attack sufferer has developed a natural panic and anxiety attack cure called Panic away. Read my Panic away review and learn about whether does Joe Barry Panic Away work.
Article Source:
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
How to Develop Neuronal Networks to Cure Eating Disorders
This is why when someone starts a particular destructive behaviour; it is extremely difficult to stop doing it because multiple new neuronal networks get built. These newly activated neuronal networks soon turn into a chain reaction within the brain. One neuron connects onto many others and they all start to shoot electric impulses which are spread to the connecting neurons and the reaction goes on, forming strong bonds that straighten with use: e.g. false emotions and feelings, like I am too fat.
These eating disorder's networks get activated when people put into action faulty behaviours and start abnormal action like binging, purging, starving etc. These actions are in relation to stressful bothersome thoughts about food and self image and can be brought on by being called fat by a friend or even jokingly by a family member.
There is only one way to cure an eating disorder and that is to stop activating these abnormal behavioural neuronal networks. Only by creating new networks and replacing the old ones with more flexible and healthier ones, can the destructive eating disorder behaviour be stopped.
How can this be done?
Well, it is all about changing people's response to the thoughts they have. When people have these bothersome destructive thoughts about starving or binging-purging and their thoughts tell them "Go binge-purge or starve". If they actually dismiss these thoughts by changing focus and doing something constructive: like going to a movie, doing a hobby, anything to take their thoughts away from the eating disorder impulse. They can start to build new neuronal pathways that are not subject to the faulty destructive eating disorder thinking.
Most eating disorder sufferers say that they are aware of the thoughts they have but just can't resist them because it is not easy to do, so they go for what their thoughts tell them to do as the easy way out.
But what will happen if they try to resist their bothersome thoughts? What will happen if they try to resist these thoughts for a while, at least for 2-3 weeks?
If a person decides not to accept her/his stressful thoughts or the false messages sent by the brain and start focusing on doing other constructive behaviours for at least 2-3 weeks, than the neuronal networks start to re-wire themselves forming new networks. The old ones responsible for the unwanted behaviour like starving, binging-purging, etc will begin to fade because they are not used any more. Eventually these old ones will be replaced with new healthy, flexible neuronal pathways.
It is what you do, not what you feel that is the key. Many people think that their thoughts and feelings are their reality, but they are not. It is how you respond to your thoughts and what you do that matters the most.
To conclude, if a person starts doing something else (some other behaviour) instead of responding to their faulty eating disorder thoughts and feelings, their brain will form new healthier more flexible pathways or neuronal networks.
Of course this is not easy to do as the destructive eating disorder thoughts are very strong and the willpower to overcome them by yourself is enormous and outside many people's ability to do by them self. But there ways you can it if you learn the methods.
About the Author:
Dr Irina Webster MD is the Director of Women Health Issues Program which covers different areas of Women Health. She is a recognised authority in the eating disorders area. She is an author of many books and a public speaker. To learn more about neuronal networks and eating disorders go to
Article Source:
Monday, January 5, 2009
Thought Power - Your Thoughts Create Your Reality - Html
Thought Power - Your Thoughts Create Your Reality
Thought power is the key to creating your reality. Everything you perceive in the physical world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts and beliefs. To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts. By doing so you will be able to attract into your life anything you desire with exact precision as you come to know the Truth that your thoughts create your reality.
For Every Outside Effect There is an Inner Cause: Every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. Put another way, the conditions and circumstances of your life are as a result of your thoughts and beliefs. James Allen said it best when he said "circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him". Every aspect of your life, from the state of your finances to the state of your health and your relationships, is accurately revealing your thoughts and your beliefs.
It's an Inside Job: Most people have it back to front, believing that they feel or think a certain way because of their circumstances, not knowing the truth that it is their thought power that is creating those very circumstances, whether wanted or unwanted. By internalizing and applying this Truth, that your thoughts create your reality, you will grant yourself the power to create the changes you desire to see manifest in your life. Reality creation is an inside job.
Your Thought Power is Limitless: There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe - all powerful, all knowing, all creative and present everywhere at the same time - the Universal Mind. Your mind is part of this One Universal Mind and since your thoughts are a product of your mind, it follows that your thought power too is limitless. Once you truly understand that your mind is one with the Single Source of All Power and that this power is within you, you will have found the only true source of infinite power for which nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing. Know that thought power comes from within. All power comes from within.
Your Thoughts are Alive: The greatest mystics and teachers that have walked the Earth have told us that everything is energy. This fundamental Truth has now been undeniably confirmed by modern science. Your thoughts too are energy. William Walker Atkinson told us that "where mind is static energy, thought is dynamic energy - two phases of the same thing" and Charles Haanel went on to say that "thought power is the vibratory force formed by converting static mind into dynamic mind". Your thoughts are alive. Each time you entertain a specific thought, you emit a very specific, corresponding frequency or energy vibration.
What Frequency Are You On: The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that like energy attracts like energy. You attract to yourself those things and circumstances that are in vibrational harmony with your dominant frequency, which is itself determined by your dominant mental attitude, habitual thoughts and beliefs. Mike Dooley, one of the presenters of the movie The Secret, fittingly suggests if you want to know what a thought looks like, just look around you. Keep in mind his three words "thoughts are things".
Not All Thoughts Are Created Equal: The attractive power of any particular thought is determined by how often you have that thought and by the strength of the feelings or emotions associated with it. The more energy you give to a particular thought, the greater its power to attract its corresponding circumstance into your physical world through the Law of Attraction. Your one-off, passing thoughts do not have the same creative power as your habitual thoughts and beliefs. Remember, that it is of little use to entertain positive thoughts for just a short burst of time each day if you then proceed to think negative or unwanted thoughts for the rest of the day. Your reality is the sum total of all your thoughts.
Use Thought Power to Change Your Life: It is your subconscious mind that is the store house of your deep-seated beliefs and programmes. To change your circumstances and attract to yourself that which you desire, you must learn to programme and re-programme your subconscious mind. Since your mind is one with the all-powerful Universal Mind, the potential power of your subconscious mind is also limitless. The most effective and practical way to programme your subconscious mind for success in all areas of your life is to learn the simple process of creative visualization. It is the technique underlying reality creation, making use of thought power to consciously imagine, create and attract that which you desire. Your imagination is the engine of your thoughts. It converts your thought power into mental images.
Become Aware of Your Thoughts But Not Obsessed: It is important that you learn to be aware of your habitual thoughts and to appropriately adjust them so as to maintain an overall positive mental attitude. However, be careful not to become obsessed with every thought that enters your mind as this would be equally counter-productive, if not more so, than not being aware of them at all. Remember that to obsess over your negative, unwanted thoughts, is to give them power and as the saying goes, what you resist persists. So instead of resisting any of your negative thoughts, simply learn to effortlessly cancel them by replacing them as they arise.
Instantly Replace Unwanted Thoughts: To instantly neutralize the power of a negative thought, calmly and deliberately replace it with its opposite, positive equivalent. For instance if you think to yourself "I'm not good enough, I will never succeed", mentally replace the thought with "I am good enough and success comes to me easily". You can also use the "cancel cancel" technique made famous by the Silva Method. Each time you catch yourself thinking an unwanted thought, mentally tell yourself and the Universe "cancel cancel" and immediately follow it up with a positive statement.
Tame Your Dominant Thoughts and the Random Will Follow: It is estimated that the average person has between 12,000 and 70,000 thoughts a day. This is evidence enough to suggest that your goal should not be to control every thought. It is your dominant thoughts and beliefs that you must learn to bring under your conscious control as they are what largely determine your mental attitude. As you do, you will find your random thoughts themselves becoming more positive and more deliberate.
The following words of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha perfectly capture the essence of thought power: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become."
In a nutshell, your life is the perfect mirror of your thoughts, beliefs and dominant mental attitude. Whether you realise it or not you are already creating your reality through your thought power. Every effect you see in your outside world has its original cause within you - no exceptions. To gain access to the greatest creative power at your disposal, you must learn to control the nature of your habitual thoughts and to align yourself with the One Source of All Power of which you are a part. Your thoughts create your reality - know, internalize and apply this Truth and you will see your life transform in miraculous ways.
Tania Kotsos is the founder and author of Mind Your Reality - Your Ultimate Guide to Using Mind Power to Create Your Reality. She has been studying mind power and the nature of reality for the last 15 years.
Go to to visit Mind Your Reality and learn all about mind power, reality creation, the universal laws, success secrets, relationship advice and much more - all for FREE.