Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Overcoming Procrastination - It's All in Your Mind

Author: Susan Roberts

Thinking back a year ago, I probably would have put off writing this, just because of how bad the habit gets. Once you start putting things off, it becomes infinitely easier to keep doing it, and then nothing gets done. If you're tired of procrastinating, there are a few things you need to learn to finally stop it for good.

Plain and simple, it's all in your mind. It might be because you're afraid that it won't get done right, or that you're afraid that it will be hard to do. It might also be because you're too busy thinking about how much better things will be after you get it done to actually go and do it.

The biggest fear is, of course, that it will be hard to do. Thing is, the more you think about it that way, the harder it will seem, because you've built up for it. The less weight that you put on what you need to do, the easier it will seem.

As such, the more that you procrastinate and put something off, the more weight it has, to the point that you want to do absolutely anything other than what you need to do. All of this time has been spent building up to it and the last thing you would want to do is mess up.

That's precisely the wrong way to go about things, but also the way that so many people seem to do it. It's not much of a surprise that it's such a problem, is it?

About the Author:

Ready to destroy your fears and unleash the productive self that you know you are? Pick up a copy of defeating procrastination and you will see how easy it is to get your life on track.
Do It Now!: Break the Procrastination Habit

overcoming procrastination - it's all in your mind

Article Source: - Overcoming Procrastination - It's All in Your Mind

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ways to Improve Self Esteem With Hypnosis

Author: Regie Lions

If you look carefully past the current problems you are experiencing, deeper into the reasons for your present day difficulties; you will most likely find that the root cause has something to do with the way you feel about yourself - your self esteem. This base human problem is something that most of us feel at some point or another in our lives, but when nothing is done to correct negative self esteem, that is when other problems begin to emerge. A great way to help overcome these problems is to improve self esteem with hypnosis.

If you are 40 pounds overweight and just can't seem to lose the weight no matter what you do, the real problem may not be your eating, but how you feel about yourself. Anxiety in many forms such as test anxiety, public speaking, and performance, usually stem from how a person feels about themselves and their belief in their own abilities. Smoking, depression, drugs and alcohol abuse problems can usually be traced back to self esteem issues, often extensions of childhood experiences.

All the negative experiences in your life begin to add up in a cumulative manner until your subconscious mind is filled with a negative view on literally everything in life. Now you are really having problems and nothing you do seems to work. Why? This is because you are fulfilling the negative programming that is in your subconscious mind to fail. Your mind has firmly planted the idea that you are not worthy to succeed, and so you don't. It was Henry Ford who said "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." And that, my friend, is the basis for finding ways to improve self esteem with hypnosis.

Why Use Hypnosis?

It has been said that it takes at least 10 positive things to overcome 1 negative. The way to improve self esteem with hypnosis, and the reason it works so well, is that hypnosis allows easier and more direct access to the subconscious where all your negative programming or thoughts are stored. In order to improve self esteem with hypnosis, you need to replace the negative view that has been stuck in there for years with a positive, confident, and productive view of yourself. Hypnosis is the transport system for the positive affirmations, and gives a direct access to the root of the problem. In other words, you could change your self image without hypnosis, but it would take a much longer time to do it.

There are several ways to improve self esteem with hypnosis, and seeking out a professional hypnotherapist is certainly a good way to start. A good hypnotherapist can help you identify the root causes for your negative self esteem and design a program that can target your specific issues.

Another very effective way to improve self esteem with hypnosis is through the use of self hypnosis. Often, a hypnotherapist will teach you how to use self hypnosis to continue and reinforce your therapy at home, but there are sources available to be able to do it yourself. Finding the best way to improve self esteem with hypnosis can be the best way to permanently change your life.

About the Author:
Claim your FREE Video revealing secrets of conversational hypnosis to persuade more people right now by going to>

Article Source: - Ways to Improve Self Esteem With Hypnosis

Everything Self-esteem

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Menopause and Mood Swings

Author: Julie

If you thought your PMS was bad it’s nothing compared to the mood swings you’ll face during menopause. The good news is you’re not alone. Any woman who’s already navigated through this new chapter in life knows that changes in mood and irritability are all a part of the deal. That doesn’t make it anymore reassuring. You don’t feel like yourself. People are getting on your nerves more than ever. The slightest action is causing tears. You’re probably beginning to feel helpless and unsure of yourself. There are a few simple things that can be done to help you feel in control.

There’s still a lot of research to be done about what causes mood swings during menopause. We are sure that fluctuating hormones are to blame. It’s hard to feel happy one minute and sad the next. When you feel unexplained emotion it’s best to recognize that you’re having a mood swing. Avoiding stress can help you maximize the control you have.

Exercise and diet can also help eliminate mood swings. Ample exercise can help increase energy levels. Increased energy levels will help you get better sleep. Uninterrupted sleep will reduce anxiety, anger and irritability. Some women find natural remedies helpful in fighting off mood swings. Yoga, meditation, massage and acupuncture can provide quiet time and stress relief. Black Cohosh has also been proven to help balance moods. If you’re feeling particularly helpless it’s important to talk to your doctor. If you are on a treatment plan your doctor needs to know that it is not improving your mood swings.

If you're suffering from mood swings, you probably feel like your life is spiraling out of control. You must consult your doctor and try regulating the activities in your every day life in order to gain control. Mood swings do not have to be an accepted side effect of menopause.

You remember who you used to be. Imagine no longer being annoyed by your children or feeling sad at the drop of a hat. You can feel in control! Start on the road to a mood swing free life today.

About the Author:

Are you going through menopause and want to stay active, healthy, and feeling like yourself? Don't wait another minute to relieve menopause symptoms and start a diet plan that works for your life!

Article Source: - Menopause and Mood Swings

Walk Your Way Through Menopause

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Stop a Panic Attack in 5 Minutes

Author: Jason Ellis

Most often a Panic Attack will hit you at the most inconvenient moment possible. It's just the nature of the beast. Maybe the Panic Attack will creep up on you slowly through a stressful day or maybe it will come out of nowhere and hit you like a ton of bricks.

No matter what the scenario, it's rarely going to happen when you're in a calm and soothing environment.

This article is going to show you an effective 3 Step Strategy for ending the Panic Attack within 5 minutes naturally. The tactic you’re about to learn will work every time without fail, once you know exactly what to do.

I’m not just preaching these tips. I’ve had quite bit of history with panic and anxiety in the past.

In my experience with Panic Attacks, I'd usually be in the middle of some arbitrary, moderately stressful activity. Phone calls at work became huge anxiety triggers for me.

There were times when I would have the attacks in the middle of work while I was on hold with a vendor or a client and I would just immediately have to hang up.

Sometimes I would be sound asleep and wake in the night with a pounding chest and numbness of the extremities. That's called a Nocturnal Panic Attack.

On other occasions I would venture out of my apartment and in those few hours an attack would strike in the middle of a grocery store or while I was crossing the street.

Also, as you probably already know, the embarrassment from having the Panic Attack in front of others can heighten the symptoms of the attack.

Panic Attacks, especially for those who are new to them, are EXTREMELY frightening. To put it simply, it can feel like you're going to die. Of course that's not what's really happening to your body, but many first time Panic Attack sufferers will describe the event saying:

"It felt like I was dying..."

You literally feel that you don't have control over your body. Your extremities go numb, your adrenaline is racing, your head spins -- Really there's a whole host of symptoms that you begin to experience.

Let's just quickly go over some of them below. What I'm about to teach you will make a whole lot more sense when you see the symptoms laid out.

The symptoms of a panic attack include…

  • Hyperventilation
  • Dizziness
  • An uncontrollable, rising sense of panic (terror, fear, anxiety)
  • Light Headiness
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Chest Pains
  • Dry Mouth
  • Clammy Hands
  • Numbness of the extremities
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Urgent need to go to the bathroom

Now what I want to address right away is how closely many of these symptoms correspond to the symptoms of a heart attack. When you’re having a panic attack, your chest is POUNDING. It feels like it’s just going to pop out of your sternum.

So immediately, for most panic attack sufferers, they assume they’re having some kind of heart attack and that leads to the ultimate terror that they’re dying.

This downward spiral of fear is what feeds the attack and leads the symptoms to escalate further.

So up until now I've just told you about the chaos of an attack. It'll happen when you don't expect it at an inconvenient moment. You won't understand immediately what's happening to your body. It's extremely frightening and there's a whole bunch of other uncomfortable stuff you'll be experiencing after the panic sets it. Sound like fun so far?

Yeah, I'm not too satisfied with that scenario either...So let's fight back with techniques that WORK!

For all the reasons listed above, you'll need to know the Panic Attack self defense techniques I'm about to show you. They're easy to apply during an attack and they work like a charm in ANY Panic Attack situation.

Step 1 : Recognizing the Attack

The first trick is the hardest for some. You must recognize the attack. Sounds easy enough, but when your anxiety was as bad as mine was, I was telling myself:

"Oh no, not this one. This one is for real. My heart is finally going to pop from all these attacks. My body can't take anymore. I feel myself dying" and so on.

It was devastating. And it's that negative thought process and depressive attitude that feeds and escalates the attack.

So step 1 is recognize the attack. Know that it IS a panic attack and people don't die from panic attacks. It's that simple. Believe it. The utmost belief of this fact is where the power lies.

It may take you a minute or two to convince yourself. However, if it's not your first Panic Attack, then you should be confident in identifying what's happening to your body and mind.

Step 2 : Breath and Count

Next your going to start counting. Ignore everything around you. Nothing else matters. Get through this. That's ALL that matters.

After you've recognized the attack, begin to count in your head. Count 1,2,3,4 -- 1,2,3,4 -- 1,2,3,4 pausing on the dashes and so on. Now you might be thinking:

"Hey, that's easier said than done. When I'm having an attack I can't even think."

That's why you're not going to say or even think the numbers. You're going to breath the numbers.

Take a deep breath in through your nose for the 1 and 2. Then take a deep breath out through your mouth for the 3 and 4. Practice this routine for a few minutes a day until it becomes an automated exercise for you.

Practicing really helps a lot. If you practice in a controlled environment, when a Panic Attack hits, this self-defense mechanism will seem routine.

If you are truly hyperventilating out of control when the Panic Attack hits, breathing into a paper bag will help you get to the point where you can begin this exercise. Once you have regained some control of your breathing, remove the paper bag and begin the Counting Technique.

When you go into these breathing exercises you immediately shift your brain's focus from fear to action. You take control of your body and all the symptoms with this one important step.

Here's why this Step is so important...

Remember before when I said it was important to list out the Panic Attack symptoms?

Well by now I'm sure you're familiar with many of the symptoms. That's not why I laid them out above.

I listed the symptoms above to illustrate a very important point. Panic Attack symptoms occur as a chain reaction to the offset of breathing that happens in the body.

When a Panic Attack hits, shortness of breath or hyperventilation kicks in. The change in oxygen intake is what causes the dizziness and light headiness.

When those symptoms kick in, your fear escalates. Your body goes into "emergency mode" and begins conserving blood flow and the circulation of oxygen. This leads to the numbness in your extremities.

All this time, further panic has been setting in and your heart beats have become stronger as your brain reaches a higher sense of urgency.

The symptoms go on and on but my main point here is that it all starts with controlled breathing.

Do NOT overlook your breathing in the fight against Panic Attacks. It is an absolutely essential tool.

Step 3 : Finding the Root Cause

The calming down step is perhaps just as important as Step 2. Panic Attacks are traumatic. Soon after an attack, your mind catches up to what has just happened and a real emotional rollercoaster sets in.

You begin to question your stability and how capable you are of handling the world around you.

If you've had an attack, it's important to contact a therapist or doctor shortly after.

Don't get me wrong here. I'm not telling you to commit yourself to years of therapy for one panic attack.

However, let's be honest with eachother.

Panic Attacks don't happen without reason. Something triggered the attack. It could be stress at work. It could be stress in a relationship. It could be a General Anxiety Disorder. Whatever the cause is...don't ignore it.

Find a therapist or doctor you are comfortable with and begin exploring why your attack occurred. Don't be afraid of the answers you might find.

Life is far too precious to spend worrying and panicking. Take the time and make the effort to resolve your Panic Attacks. Don't put it off. Do it today.

You can start right now at

The site has an amazing FREE video called Anxiety Free Tactics which shows you a multitude of anxiety and panic treatments including how to stop nighttime anxiety, overcoming social phobias, dealing with depression, acupressure points for stress and also a cool technique for thinking in a positive light no matter what.

Check it out right now here.

About the Author:

Jason Ellis has been helping people overcome their anxiety and panic for years. His expertise deals with controlling the symptoms of stress and anxiety by applying proven, natural treatments for panic that bring results in minutes. You can find all of Jason's natural treatments for anxiety exclusively at
Panic Attack Workbook

Article Source: - How to Stop a Panic Attack in 5 Minutes

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Be all you can be." Many people live up to this quote. They strive to do their best in everything they do. They give 100% at everything. However, some people want to be more than they can. They will change themselves (through self improvement) so they can become better than they are.

If you want to improve yourself you must first understand yourself. If you don't understand who you are how will you improve yourself? Well you can't, you must know who you are, what you want and what you don't want. In this article I will reveal 10 questions that will help you understand yourself and with this information it will be easy to improve yourself.

1. What do I really want? Well what do you really want? This can be for both the present and future. Do you want to start a family, exercise more or buy that car you've always wanted. Many of us have busy days which mean it is hard for us to think or do what we really want to. If this is you, take a bit of time for yourself to think about this. It helps you think of what you really want to do which is a small step towards improvement. 2. Should I really change? This is the most vital question to self improvement. Do you really NEED to change? If so what are you looking to change, maybe it's the fact that you are too shy or maybe you want to change your appearance and maybe even your personality. If you know what you want to change you can start improving it straight away.

3. What's the bright light in my life? At times life can seem like a dark tunnel and you feel like you will never see the light again. Don't think like that! You need to think positive. Of course life will have its downside but you have to think positive. Think of the fun things you have done with people, the places you have been and the new people you have met. These things are the light at the end of your tunnel.

4. Am I comfortable with what I'm doing? You are unique. There is no one like you and you have your fingerprints to prove that too (no one has the same fingerprints). Are you comfortable to changing into something you aren't, are you comfortable to change into someone who is less unique? Are you willing to be the same as others who too are trying to improve themselves.

5. Have I done enough for myself? Do you feel like you have done enough? Have you accomplished something special in your life? If not then go for it! Everyone has done something for themselves no matter how big or small. Make sure you do too.

Not everyone is perfect but there is no need to be either. Everyone is unique in their special way and to try and become perfect you are becoming less unique as a lot of people too are trying to become perfect. Ask yourself these 5 questions to get a better insight to yourself and that will help you know what you need to improve yourself.
The Therapist''s Workbook: Self-Assessment, Self-Care, and Self-Improvement Exercises for Mental Health Professionals

About the Author
Need more self-improvement info? Then check out for more articles to help improve yourself

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Is Perseverance innate or learned?

Author: Roseanna Leaton

What makes some people keep going when most others have become dejected, exhausted and disillusioned about their chances of ultimate success? What is going on in the inner workings of one's mind which makes them know that they should keep going when the far easier and the apparently more sensible option is to step back and retire gracefully with a crooked smile pasted upon your face?

Some would say you learn to be tough and dogged about things through example and experience; others believe that perseverance is a characteristic which we are all born with, although negative experience has the ability to beat it out of us. Looking at both of these views from the perspective of having a glass that is half full, as opposed to half empty, one can surmise that either way, perseverance CAN be learned; Because, even if an innate perseverance has been depleted for whatever reason, it is still somewhere deep inside, hidden and yet awaiting it's recovery and glorious re-emergence.

What makes a child keep on trying to stand up and walk? After all, each and every one of us must have fallen on to our bottoms a thousand times during this learning curve! Doesn't this tell us that we do have a natural talent to persevere? And what makes a child learn a language which has so many complexities and keep going until they have it mastered? You and I did have the grit to persevere when we were 1 and 2 and 3 years of was there, be it innate or learned...and so we all have the potential to persevere at any age, throughout any circumstances, and achieve the success which we so desire.

And desire goes hand in hand with perseverance. As Abraham Lincoln said "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing". Your own desire or willingness to pursue your goal is a key factor here. A burning desire charges you with enthusiasm, and enables you to see opportunities which others may miss; it turns you into an optimist as opposed to a pessimist.

There are many well known visionaries who have succeeded despite major disadvantages. Beethoven was deaf; Thomas Edison had a learning problem, as did Albert Einstein, whilst Vincent Van Gogh was mentally ill. These people had vision, they could see, hear, touch and feel the success they sought, before they found the right path. They could imagine the end result in which they were in pursuit, and this was the fuel which stoked the fire of their enthusiasm and desire, which in turn fed their perseverance.

When one is running out of steam, or feels low on juice, they have in fact simply lost their vision. The key to perseverance is in hanging on to your vision, thereby training your brain for success. Everyone can learn to do this, and hypnosis is an invaluable asset, because it allows access to the inner workings of your mind. Hypnosis is a vehicle which transports you back to that stage of life when it was easier to learn new things, when your subconscious mind is open to suggestion. You can regain that perseverance you had when you were learning to walk, and to talk. You can learn to turn your vision into reality with the help of hypnosis downloads.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for motivation and success.

About the Author:

With a degree in psychology and qualifications in hypnotherapy, NLP and sports psychology, Roseanna Leaton is one of the leading practitioners of self-improvement. You can get a free hypnosis download from and peruse her extensive library of hypnosis downloads for motivation and success.

Article Source: - Is Perseverance innate or learned?

Perseverance: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Conversational Hypnosis Techniques That Anyone Can Learn

Author: Con

Hypnosis is one of those things that people have been studying for over two hundred years and still don't really understand why it works. All we know is that it does. During the two hundred years that hypnosis has been under scrutiny several different hypnotic techniques have been developed but none are as impressive as conversational hypnosis.

Dr. Milton Erickson

Hypnosis: Medicine of the Mind - A Complete Manual on Hypnosis for the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Practitioner

The person who gets the most credit honing, if not creating all of the conversational hypnosis techniques that are currently being used today is Dr. Milton Erickson. What is even more remarkable about Dr. Erickson is that he was able to hone his conversational hypnosis techniques on his psychiatric patients during an era when it was illegal to combine hypnosis and medicine.

To learn more about Dr. Milton Erickson and conversational hypnosis techniques you should make time to visit this website

The website is designed to not only inform about conversational hypnosis techniques but to also teach you how to use conversational hypnosis in your own life.

When you will find that you have the truly amazing opportunity to purchase a conversational hypnosis course that is actually being taught by an internationally acclaimed master hypnosis, Igor Lebochowski.

Audio CD's

The first thing you will get when you purchase the course is twelve audiotapes. Each of these audio CD's equals one conversational hypnosis technique. For example the first CD will teach you conversational hypnosis techniques you will learn includes the three keys to conversational hypnosis, signs that the person you are trying to hypnotize has slipped into a trance, and a four stage hypnotic formula. With each CD you will learn additional conversational hypnosis techniques.

The Blueprints

In addition to the audio CD's you will also receive four small booklets that are designed to act like blue prints to simplify Mr. Lebochowski's conversational hypnosis techniques for the moments when you don't have time to listen to the CD's. These blueprints are small and can easily be slipped into a purse, book bag, or briefcase.

A Copy of the Transcripts

The other item that you will get when you order the conversational hypnotic course is a 629 page manuscript that is full of the transcripts from every single session. This means you can further strengthen your understanding of the conversational hypnosis techniques by reading the transcript while you are listening to the audio CD. The manuscript is also convenient when you want to quickly double checks some bit of information.

Live Support

The conversational hypnosis course is suppose to be easy to understand and is designed so that every person who purchase it will be able to successfully use conversational hypnosis to better their lives, but just in case you happen to get stuck with one of the conversational hypnosis techniques, you will be able to get live support offline when you purchase the hypnosis course. If for whatever reason you are not completely amazed with the conversational hypnosis course it comes with a sixty day, money back guarantee. For more details visit

About the Author:
For the best Conversational Hypnosis Techniques available online visit">">

Article Source: - Conversational Hypnosis Techniques That Anyone Can Learn

Dynamically Anchored Self Hypnosis: How to Create Your Own Best Future Using the World''s Quickest and Easiest Self Hypnosis Technique

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Control Panic Disorder and Anxiety Attacks

Author: Gerry Restrivera

Are you experiencing situations that you cannot control your emotions, you have irrational thoughts, extreme fear over something which sometimes didn’t exist at all and it seems you are disconnected with the world around you? You have sweating, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, dizziness, choking sensation and shaking. If you have all or some of these symptoms, you might be suffering from panic disorder and anxiety attacks.
Anxiety & Panic Attacks: Their Cause & Cure

This is a not an illness but it is more of a behavioral and psychological condition. Recurring episodes of panic disorder and anxiety attacks can be very devastating and without the proper treatment it will become chronic. It will seriously affect your job, your relationship with people and even simple daily activities like driving. If panic disorder and anxiety attacks become too much for you to handle and it interferes with your daily life, you need to seek professional help to control your disorder.

Here are some ways to conquer panic disorder and anxiety attacks.

Medication. Doctors can recommend or prescribe anti-anxiety or anti-depressants medicines to help you control panic attacks. While drugs can give you immediate relief, it is best not to be too dependent on drugs because you may suffer from different side effects with prolong use of drugs.

Meditation. This is a relaxation technique for the mind to keep you calm and focus your thoughts on positive things. Meditation practice will give you a feeling of physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation which is helpful if you want to control panic disorder and anxiety attacks. Sit comfortably in a quiet room and close your eyes. Relax your muscles and breathe. Concentrate on your breathing and feel the beating of your heart. Let your mind wander on positive thoughts and come back to feel your breathing again. A constant meditation practice will help you manage your panic and anxiety disorder.

Exercise and diet. People who are healthy with stress-free lifestyle have positive outlook in life. Perspiration through exercises eliminates toxins from your body and proper breathing technique is helpful for your oxygen supply and blood circulation to keep you healthy and energetic. Proper diet is also important to get the nutrients and vitamins you need. There are diets with calming effects and known to control panic disorder and anxiety attacks like alkaline diet. It is a diet more on fruits and vegetables. Acid forming foods like dairy products and processed foods triggers high level of anxiety.
Embracing the Fear: Learning to Manage Anxiety & Panic Attacks

As mentioned above, if you cannot handle panic disorder and anxiety attacks on your own, seek professional help. Did you know that acute anxiety and panic attacks can be cured in easy to follow steps without any medication using a revolutionary new technique? To find out more visit Panic Away.

To know more health remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty.

About the Author:

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Control Panic Disorder and Anxiety Attacks. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author’s name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Article Source: - Control Panic Disorder and Anxiety Attacks

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hematophobia - Overcome Your Blood Phobia with Hypnotherapy

Author: Peter James Field

An intense fear of blood is a phobia that we treat fairly regularly here in our UK hypno-psychotherapy practice.

Like all other phobias, blood phobia is essentially an anxiety disorder.

The person suffering from a phobia of blood may very well sense that it is illogical, but this does nothing to help him or her to deal with it.

The thought or the sight of blood automatically triggers an irrational fear that seems to overpower the individual, psychologically and even physically.

It can elicit a range of troubling symptoms such as sudden drop in blood pressure, feelings of fainting and dizziness, increased hearbeat, dry mouth and nausea.

Medically speaking, blood phobia has several different names and is spelled in a variety of different ways: hemophobia, haemophobia, hemaphobia and hematophobia being the most common.

The actual causes of this phobia usually lie in the individual's past.

At some period in the past, the subconscious has linked or paired the thought or the sight of blood with feelings of extreme anxiety.

Most often this has occurred in childhood or in the adolescent years, although less frequently it may have taken place later on in life.

This may have happened directly - as a result of a past experience in which blood was involved - a medical procedure, injection, blood transfusion, accident or the like.

It also may have happened in an indirect manner - through someone else's negative experience that was witnessed by the individual him or herself. Or it may have been modelled on someone else's fear and anxiety and so learned vicariously.

There is also the possibility that in some individuals there is a genetic component or predisposition to this phobia, since it can be prevalent in other members of the family.

In my own clinical experience and opinion, however, this can also be explained by the child's ability to model this fear on the reactions of parents and relevant others.

Whatever the cause, the fact is that this phobia can greatly affect and even jeopardise the person's health.

Often the blood phobic individual will go to great lengths to avoid any situation or procedure that may cause blood to flow.

Doctors, nurses, hospitals, injections and other essential medical procedures may all be avoided, even when there is a real need for them.

In certain instances, hemophobia is also linked with a phobia of needles (trypnophobia) and/or a fear of death (thanatophobia).

Any treatment for the fear of blood also needs to take this into account. This is why when treating this fear, you need to work with a practitioner who has experience with this particular phobia.

The good news is that help is available.

Working with a suitably qualified and experienced advanced transformational hypnotherapist, it is possible to look back and to uncover the origins and causes of his phobia.

Once this is accomplished, the false belief that has been 'programmed' into the subconscious mind that blood equals anxiety can be neutralized.

In its place we can help the individual to experience feelings of calm and relaxation when thinking about or experiencing any circumstance that involves blood.

If you or someone you care about suffers from the fear of blood, blood phobia, also know as hemaphobia, hematophobia, hemophobia and haemophobia, then there really is something you can do about it.

Consult with a fully trained professional advanced transformational hypnotherapist who has experience in dealing with this phobia and begin the process of freeing yourself now.

Through the modern techniques of advanced hypnosis and hypnotherapy you can live your life as you were born to live it - free from the upset and anxiety when it comes to blood.Safe Blood: Purifying the Nation''s Blood Supply in the Age of AIDS

About the Author:

Peter Field is a leading British hypno-psychotherapist with busy practices in London and Birmingham, England. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Health and Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. More of his absorbing articles, help with fears & phobias and other useful information may be found on his website: Peter Field Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapists UK

Article Source:

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Are You Too Irritable?

Author: Jennifer Baxt
Being moderately irritable every once in a while is one thing, but feeling irritable for extended periods of time is another. To be irritable means that someone may be feeling overly sensitive to some kind of stimulation through one or more of their senses, such as sight or sound. For example, someone who is highly irritable might find the tapping of a keyboard more irritating than usual. It could be a sign that the individual exhibiting or feeling the sensitivity and irritability could be overworked, exhausted, stressed or suffering from withdrawal when trying to stop an addiction. As mentioned before, many who suffer from some irritability may have a reasonable explanation for it and their feeling is only temporary; however, for those who don’t seem to have an explanation for their irritable mood that seems to continue for an extended period of time, help might not be a bad idea. When talking about a more serious case of irritation that never seems to come to an end, it could be caused by something else other than fatigue, too much work or lack of a vacation. It could be that the person is being affected by a stress they can’t get away from, such as something more psychological. This is not to say there is anything wrong with the individual, just that irritation may be a symptom of a more serious situation. For instance, someone who is suffering from a type of depression may start to exhibit signs of increased irritation. In fact, increased irritability is a common symptom of many forms of depression. In this case, the depression needs to be addressed. Someone who is feeling more irritable should stop for a moment and just ask themselves why they may be feeling this way. If it is a friend, then sitting them down for a moment over a coffee and bringing their change in mood to their attention can be helpful for them; in either case, it can be a change that the irritated person may not fully realize. The first step to helping one’s self or their friend is to get the person to admit there might be something wrong. The second step is to find the right kind of help. Ignoring or self-medicating the problem is not going to help. At most, it will only act as a temporary band-aid for a short while before becoming a part of the problem in the future. While many will admit there might be something, like depression, causing their irritable moods, the idea of going to a counselor or therapist in person is completely out of the question. Whatever the reason, whether it is discomfort or embarrassment, there is another alternative that many are more open to. Online counseling is becoming more popular every day. Not only is an online counselor easy to get a hold of, but a person can go through online therapy from the comfort of their own home. More are going online every day because it is easy, confidential and convenient. If you or anyone that you know would care for more information regarding this post, feel free to visit http://www.completecounselingsolutions.comAbout the Author:

Jennifer Baxt is the owner of which offers a variety of online counseling services. If you would like to know more about Jennifer or any of our online therapists, visit our website.

Article Source:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Author: Evan Langsted

A traumatic brain injury is caused by the brain moving within the skull and colliding with the wall of the skull. These injuries can be extremely severe and are often life-changing. If you have suffered from a traumatic brain injury, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, future medical bills, lost wages, future lost wages, or even pain and suffering. Symptoms of TBI Traumatic brain injuries are often very difficult to diagnose because their symptoms resemble those of many other, less serious, conditions. The severity of the effects of a traumatic brain injury depend on the location of the injury, the age of the person injured, and the general health of the individual injured. The symptoms of a traumatic brain injury may vary from moderate to severe, but can include: • Speech problems • Vision problems • Memory loss • Dizziness • Confusion • Mood swings • Lightheadedness • Seizures • Nerve damage • Headaches • Loss of consciousness • Loss of feeling or movement of extremities • Loss of cognitive ability • Change in personality The brain is the commander of our body. Every movement we make starts with a signal from our brain, and the brain also controls who we are, how we react to certain situations, our sensations, and our emotions. This is why traumatic brain injuries can have such a devastating effect both physically and mentally. Causes of TBI Some common causes of traumatic brain injuries include: • Penetration of the skull from a foreign object, such as a bullet • Automobile accidents • Slip & fall accidents • Motorcycle accidents • Tumors • Stroke • Lack of oxygen Traumatic brain injuries cannot be cured; however, the progression of the injury can be stopped. The symptoms of traumatic brain injuries can often go unnoticed for hours, or even days. This is why if you have been involved in any type of accident, and even if you do not feel like you have been injured, you should seek medical attention immediately.

About the Author:

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, please visit the website of the experienced traumatic brain injury attorneys at Carr & Carr, Attorneys at Law, serving the Oklahoma City area, today.

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Beating Depression

From Disappointment To Depression?

Author: Jennifer Baxt
It is not uncommon to hear people talk about some disappointments in their life. Most will have some disappointments, or regrets, in general, but there are others who feel the disappointment more in themselves than in their life. They feel they have not tried hard enough, did not get the job they should have or even the family or living situation they feel that they should have. All of these kinds of things can leave a person feeling disappointed in their lives. They may also begin to feel disappointment in themselves, especially in individuals who tend to be quite critical of themselves. It would seem that those who are more critical about themselves and tend to find more disappointment can also eventually become quite depressed. Any incentive to go on and live life normally is gone, and they begin to feel there is little point in doing anything at all. Life can seem a little dim at times, especially for those who feel they don’t have much in it worth working or living for. This can lead to deeper depression, which can then lead to further problems in life. A person who continues to fall further into this depression may feel less interested in activities they once found exciting, in spending time with friends or family they would normally spend a lot of time with, can find themselves becoming more fatigued and even lose the want to arrive at work every day. Depression can also bring on a change of mood or behavior that is out of the ordinary. Some will try to live with the depression, thinking they are not really that depressed, while others will attempt to self-medicate by alcohol and/or drugs. Regardless of how bad the depression seems or how in control a person may feel they have their depression, it is never good to go too long without proper help. Without admission that one might be depressed, or without going for help even with admission, the depression may only become worse. It is usual for most to feel uncomfortable about going to see a therapist or counselor in person. Fortunately, there are alternatives in order to help people to get the help they need without forcing themselves into an uncomfortable situation. Today, one of the most popular alternatives is the internet. There are many online counseling sites where a person can contact an online counselor to work on their depression. These sites are confidential and can easily be accessed from the computer at home. Online therapy can be a good start for anyone trying to change their attitude about life.Up the Down Hill: One Woman''s Struggle to Survive Major Depression
An online therapist will work to help someone see what they have been able to accomplish in life, and help to show the patient that their lives are worth putting some effort in to. There is little worse than waking up every morning and dreading the moment when one must get out of bed. Speaking with an online counselor can start one on the path to a more positive outlook on life. If you or anyone that you know would care for more information regarding this post, feel free to visit http://www.completecounselingsolutions.comAbout the Author:

Jennifer Baxt is the owner of which offers a variety of online counseling services. If you would like to know more about Jennifer or any of our online therapists, visit our website.

Article Source:

Goodbye Depression: Take Control of Your Life and Get Rid of Depression a Practical Guide Based on Personal Experience

Thursday, February 19, 2009

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every timehe lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back ofthe fence.
The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over
the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down.
He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive
those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy
didn't lose his temper at all.
He told his father about it and the father suggested that the
boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to
hold his temper.

The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.
He said, 'You have done well, my son, but look at the holes
in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say
things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can
put a knife in a man and draw it out. But it won't matter how
many times you say I'm sorry, the wound will still be there. A
verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.
Remember that friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They
make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an
ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open
their hearts to us.'

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Color Of Autism: Methods To Reach And Educate Children On The Autism Spectrum

Autistic Agression

Author: jANINE

Unfortunately one of the most common problems reported in autistic teenagers is aggression.

The aggression whether it is physical or verbal can be directed at anything or anyone, and quite often out of the blue.

It is very distressing as a parent or autistic educator to find coping strategies and support sometimes, autistic aggression although very common in autistic teenagers is still never the less difficult to understand sometimes and can leave you feeling almost helpless.

Autistic educators need to be aware of the affect on the adolescents also in the class and parents of cause need to be weary of how the aggression is affecting the entire family.

If the autistic aggression is severe the G.P. will prescribe medication such as Risperidone.

Report summary:

Maisie a 16 year old autistic Autism - An Inside-Out Approach: An Innovative Look at the "Mechanics" of "Autism" & Its Developmental "C

Monday, February 9, 2009

'the Power of Positive Imaging'

Author: Natalie Pyles

Hope, Faith, and Truth are the keys to healing. When you have them you can image your own recovery and speed the healing process. When you don't have them you can't. Dr. Sanford Cohen, Chief of Psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine, has made some studies that seem to indicate that hopelessness- that is, an image of no recovery- actually kills. For instance if the doctor diagnoses a fatal disease and tells the patient, and if the patient loses hope and gives up, death comes quickly.

There once was a women whose elderly father was hit by a taxi while crossing the street in Manhattan and died at the age of eighty-eight years old. When an autopsy was performed, the doctor was amazed at his discovery. "Your father had all sorts of lessions and ailments that should have caused his death twenty years ago,"he said to the women. "Then you say he was lively and energetic right up to the end. How do you account for that?" "I don't know" the women said," unless it was his habit of saying to me every single morning, "Today is going to be a terrific day." This daily imaging habit, it seems, paid off. How can we apply imagery to our health and fitness using this very purposeful tool? We have to work hard at changing our attitudes, habits, and thinking towards health and fitness. This is why cookie cutter approaches don't last in the long term. You must understand my friend change requires better habits and behaviors. I hope you can use this tip and apply it to your life. Have a healthy day!

Your Friend In Health & Fitness,

Natalie Pyles

About the Author:

Who I Am

Hello, my name is Natalie Pyles. I am a Local Fitness & Nutritional Expert. I have over 16 years of experience in both the Health and Fitness Industry. I'd like to share my Personal story of overcoming my battles with weight loss that began as an early adolescent. I struggled from the ages of 13-18, I realized that I had a severe problem and decided then and there to take action.

I Conquered Weight Loss

I hired a Personal Trainer and Licensed Nutritionist, like myself, and the rest is history. Basically, I learned at an early age, there is no quick fix... only hard work, perseverance, and committment to a healthier lifestyle will guarantee results. I quit looking for the magic solution and got educated.

How Can I Help You

I am now the owner of Fitness Elements & Associates. I want to help You realize your true Fitness Potential and levels of Optimal Health. I have committed my life to to helping others achieve the success that I have found through Fitness and Nutrition. If you have the desire and the will... together we can make your dreams a reality. You deserve to know the truth; what you are capable of and really can achieve.

I look forward to hearing your story, so in the years to come you can pay it forward. Call me today for your Free Fitness and Nutritional Consultation!

Sincerely Your Friend in Fitness,

Natalie Pyles

Owner, Fitness Elements & Associates LLC.

Phone: 1-800-681-9894 or Fax 623-399-4199

Article Source:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?

"I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else." - Winston Churchill

When you notice your thoughts, which kind of thoughts predominate? Do you find yourself often thinking pessimistic thoughts such as:

* I'll never get where I want to go. I'm a loser.
* I'm not smart enough to achieve what I want to achieve.
* God is there for others but not for me.
* I'm going to end up losing what I have.
* The world is very unsafe so I have to always be vigilant.
* Why reach out to others? No one really likes me.
* Why put forth effort? There is no point since I don't have the talent or ability to success.
* Some people just have good luck, but I don't.
* Things are going too well. I just know that something bad is going to happen.
* Life is too much for me to handle.
* I'm going to end up alone.
* Life for me will always be a disaster.
* There is no point in eating well or exercising - my genetics are against me.
* I'm not emotionally or physically healthy, and this is just the way it is. There is nothing I can do about it.
* I don't deserve to be happy.
* I don't deserve to be loved.

And so on...

Or, do you find yourself often thinking optimistic thoughts such as:

* If I work hard enough and stay focused, I will get where I want to go.
* My intelligence and abilities increase with learning.
* No one ever succeeds without a lot of effort, and I can put in as much effort as anyone who has ever succeeded.
* If I stay tuned into and trust my own inner knowing, I can feel safe.
* I am a good and kind person so of course people like me.
* It is not luck that causes people to succeed, but belief in themselves.
* When bad things happen, these are opportunities for learning and growth.
* Life's challenges present me with incredible learning opportunities.
* When I am ready for partnership, someone will show up.
* Regardless of how physically or emotionally unhealthy my parents were, I can make choices that result in physical and emotional health.
* Everyone deserves to be happy, including me.
* Everyone deserves to be loved, and everyone is loved by God.


Do you realize that you have free will, which means that you get to choose how you want to think? You get to choose whether you want to be an optimist or a pessimist, and which one you choose determines your feelings and actions.

When you look at the pessimist list, can you see that thinking these kinds of thoughts create depression, procrastination, and continued failure? Can you see when you look at the optimist list how thinking these thoughts create motivation, loving action, and ultimate success in work and life?


Instead of seeing yourself as a victim of circumstances, of your past, of your parents, of events or of luck, why not start to monitor your thoughts and consciously change them from negative to positive? You will likely discover that changing your thoughts changes your feelings and actions, as well as outcomes.
The Tough-Minded Optimist

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by experimenting with changing your thoughts!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How To Hypnotize Someone With One Five Minute Lesson

Would you like to discover how to hypnotize people? Is hypnosis just make believe? Do you believe there is no way you could be hypnotized? Do you think it takes years of study and practice?

Here are some simple facts.

Hypnosis is nothing more than directly contacting the subconscious mind.

There is nothing unnatural about hypnosis, in fact you have been doing it all your life without knowing it.

There is nothing mystical or religious about hypnosis (however religions do utilize it).

Hypnosis is easy, safe and practical.

Following this easy exercise you will know how to hypnotize people, and debunk all the myths you may have thought about hypnosis. If you can set aside your misconceptions for a few minutes, I will show you what 95% of hypnosis is really about.

First find a guinea pig and have them be comfortably seated with both feet on the ground.

Start with a three very slow deep breaths. Have them close their eyes and relax.

Tell them they will not be hypnotized, this is just a relaxation exercise you learned. They will remain completely awake and aware through the entire exercise.

Next breathe in through the nose filling the lungs completely with air. Hold the breath for a few seconds and then slowly exhale through their mouths, relaxing their face head and neck as they exhale.

Breath in again deeply and slowly, this time while they exhale, have them relax their arms, chest and abdomen.

Have them relax from the waist down as they exhale slowly. Start with the hips moving down the legs to the bottoms of their feet.

Have your volunteer extend both arms in front of them.

Tell them on their right arm is a bag of groceries hanging. It's not very heavy, just enough to notice the weight of the bag.

On the other arm, have them imagine a bunch of helium balloons tied to their arm.

Now paint them a vivid picture of the bag of groceries. Describe the bag to them, what kind of cans are in the bag. What size they are, what color the bag is, etc.

Now paint the picture of the balloons. How many of them are there. What color they all are. What do some of them say on them, etc.

Next turn your attention back to the bag. Start adding cans to the bag. Have them notice the weight of the bag getting heavier and heavier as you add the peas, corn, then the green beans, constantly getting heavier and harder to hold up.

Now return to the balloons. Start adding balloons. The whole time making their arm lighter and lighter. They begin to struggle to keep their arm down as the balloons keep trying to lifting their arm.

Return from one arm to the other back and forth, making one arm lighter and the other arm heavier.

Within a short time of describing what is on each arm, you will notice their arms start moving. One will go up, and one will go down. They may move quite noticeable or only slightly.

Make your descriptions very vivid, describe everything in complete detail. Once one or both arms have moved, have your volunteer open their eyes and notice the location of their arms.

They will be astounded, and so should you. You just learned how to hypnotize people.

Everything You Ever Need To Know To Hypnotize Yourself And Others But Didn''t Know Whom To Ask


About the Author: Learn how to hypnotize people today for free!

Visit my site, dedicated to furthering hypnosis for the average person. You really can learn how to hypnotize people.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Treating Anxiety Attacks – 5 Steps to Deal With Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Treating Anxiety Attacks – 5 Steps to Deal With Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Author: Ricky Lim

Often associated with nervousness and fear, anxiety can become an illness where you can experience irrational feelings. Some of the symptoms of anxiety disorders include sweating, nausea, hot flushes and chest pains. But, these are quite common symptoms and are sometimes diagnosed wrongly or they are just overlooked.

There are a lot of types of anxiety, including post trauma anxiety, social anxiety disorder, panic anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety. If you think that you have anxiety disorder, you should look for the advice of a doctor.

Here are a few guidelines on how you can deal with anxiety in 5 steps. You should talk with a doctor and only use these tips as an add on.

Step 1: Relaxation Techniques

If you can learn how to relax you can fight the anxiety attack symptoms, like sweating, racing heartbeat, muscle tension and tremors. Learn techniques like muscle relaxation and meditation and use them to relax when an anxiety attack is coming.

Step 2: Exercise

You should always exercise if you want to remain healthy. If you’re healthy you can keep yourself at a good psychological level. Also, make sure you rest well and you keep the environment relaxed around you.

Step 3: Balanced Diet

A diet that is balanced can provide you with the nutrients that you need to be at your best. Don’t drink coffee and don’t use anything from the alcohol, cigarettes or drugs categories. That’s because they speed up your heartbeat and can provoke the anxiety disorder symptoms.

Step 4: Seek Emotional Support

Sleep-EZ Aromatherapy Spray

You should learn to spot when you have problems and ask for the help from your friends and family when you need it. Tell them what happened and let them help you to recover from anxiety disorder. If you can, look for advice on how you can eliminate anxiety. Support groups can also be a good idea and can help you.

Step 5: Self Monitoring

After you find out what the causes are for your attacks, you should look for the triggers. Once you know this you can look for ways on how you can avoid them.

About the Author:

Joe Barry, a former panic attack sufferer has developed a natural panic and anxiety attack cure called Panic away. Read my Panic away review and learn about whether does Joe Barry Panic Away work.

Article Source:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How to Develop Neuronal Networks to Cure Eating Disorders

A neuronal network is a group of connected neurons (brain cells) which are related to certain behaviours or certain functions in the body. The human brain has thousands of neuronal networks for different human behaviours or functions. An eating disorder takes an enormous amount of brain space because the disorder creates many neuronal networks, each related to certain eating disorder behaviour. For instance, people have certain neuronal networks for their binging-purging behaviour (bulimia), another one for starving (anorexia), others for taking laxatives or over exercising etc.
Beginner''s Guide to Eating Disorders Recovery

This is why when someone starts a particular destructive behaviour; it is extremely difficult to stop doing it because multiple new neuronal networks get built. These newly activated neuronal networks soon turn into a chain reaction within the brain. One neuron connects onto many others and they all start to shoot electric impulses which are spread to the connecting neurons and the reaction goes on, forming strong bonds that straighten with use: e.g. false emotions and feelings, like I am too fat.

These eating disorder's networks get activated when people put into action faulty behaviours and start abnormal action like binging, purging, starving etc. These actions are in relation to stressful bothersome thoughts about food and self image and can be brought on by being called fat by a friend or even jokingly by a family member.

There is only one way to cure an eating disorder and that is to stop activating these abnormal behavioural neuronal networks. Only by creating new networks and replacing the old ones with more flexible and healthier ones, can the destructive eating disorder behaviour be stopped.

How can this be done?
Well, it is all about changing people's response to the thoughts they have. When people have these bothersome destructive thoughts about starving or binging-purging and their thoughts tell them "Go binge-purge or starve". If they actually dismiss these thoughts by changing focus and doing something constructive: like going to a movie, doing a hobby, anything to take their thoughts away from the eating disorder impulse. They can start to build new neuronal pathways that are not subject to the faulty destructive eating disorder thinking.

Most eating disorder sufferers say that they are aware of the thoughts they have but just can't resist them because it is not easy to do, so they go for what their thoughts tell them to do as the easy way out.

But what will happen if they try to resist their bothersome thoughts? What will happen if they try to resist these thoughts for a while, at least for 2-3 weeks?
Eating Disorders

If a person decides not to accept her/his stressful thoughts or the false messages sent by the brain and start focusing on doing other constructive behaviours for at least 2-3 weeks, than the neuronal networks start to re-wire themselves forming new networks. The old ones responsible for the unwanted behaviour like starving, binging-purging, etc will begin to fade because they are not used any more. Eventually these old ones will be replaced with new healthy, flexible neuronal pathways.

It is what you do, not what you feel that is the key. Many people think that their thoughts and feelings are their reality, but they are not. It is how you respond to your thoughts and what you do that matters the most.

To conclude, if a person starts doing something else (some other behaviour) instead of responding to their faulty eating disorder thoughts and feelings, their brain will form new healthier more flexible pathways or neuronal networks.

Of course this is not easy to do as the destructive eating disorder thoughts are very strong and the willpower to overcome them by yourself is enormous and outside many people's ability to do by them self. But there ways you can it if you learn the methods.
Treating Eating Disorders

About the Author:
Dr Irina Webster MD is the Director of Women Health Issues Program which covers different areas of Women Health. She is a recognised authority in the eating disorders area. She is an author of many books and a public speaker. To learn more about neuronal networks and eating disorders go to

Article Source:

Monday, January 5, 2009

Thought Power - Your Thoughts Create Your Reality - Html

Thought Power - Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Thought power is the key to creating your reality. Everything you perceive in the physical world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts and beliefs. To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts. By doing so you will be able to attract into your life anything you desire with exact precision as you come to know the Truth that your thoughts create your reality.

For Every Outside Effect There is an Inner Cause: Every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power. Put another way, the conditions and circumstances of your life are as a result of your thoughts and beliefs. James Allen said it best when he said "circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him". Every aspect of your life, from the state of your finances to the state of your health and your relationships, is accurately revealing your thoughts and your beliefs.

It's an Inside Job: Most people have it back to front, believing that they feel or think a certain way because of their circumstances, not knowing the truth that it is their thought power that is creating those very circumstances, whether wanted or unwanted. By internalizing and applying this Truth, that your thoughts create your reality, you will grant yourself the power to create the changes you desire to see manifest in your life. Reality creation is an inside job.

Your Thought Power is Limitless: There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe - all powerful, all knowing, all creative and present everywhere at the same time - the Universal Mind. Your mind is part of this One Universal Mind and since your thoughts are a product of your mind, it follows that your thought power too is limitless. Once you truly understand that your mind is one with the Single Source of All Power and that this power is within you, you will have found the only true source of infinite power for which nothing is impossible and impossible is nothing. Know that thought power comes from within. All power comes from within.

Your Thoughts are Alive: The greatest mystics and teachers that have walked the Earth have told us that everything is energy. This fundamental Truth has now been undeniably confirmed by modern science. Your thoughts too are energy. William Walker Atkinson told us that "where mind is static energy, thought is dynamic energy - two phases of the same thing" and Charles Haanel went on to say that "thought power is the vibratory force formed by converting static mind into dynamic mind". Your thoughts are alive. Each time you entertain a specific thought, you emit a very specific, corresponding frequency or energy vibration.

What Frequency Are You On: The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that like energy attracts like energy. You attract to yourself those things and circumstances that are in vibrational harmony with your dominant frequency, which is itself determined by your dominant mental attitude, habitual thoughts and beliefs. Mike Dooley, one of the presenters of the movie The Secret, fittingly suggests if you want to know what a thought looks like, just look around you. Keep in mind his three words "thoughts are things".

Not All Thoughts Are Created Equal: The attractive power of any particular thought is determined by how often you have that thought and by the strength of the feelings or emotions associated with it. The more energy you give to a particular thought, the greater its power to attract its corresponding circumstance into your physical world through the Law of Attraction. Your one-off, passing thoughts do not have the same creative power as your habitual thoughts and beliefs. Remember, that it is of little use to entertain positive thoughts for just a short burst of time each day if you then proceed to think negative or unwanted thoughts for the rest of the day. Your reality is the sum total of all your thoughts.

Use Thought Power to Change Your Life: It is your subconscious mind that is the store house of your deep-seated beliefs and programmes. To change your circumstances and attract to yourself that which you desire, you must learn to programme and re-programme your subconscious mind. Since your mind is one with the all-powerful Universal Mind, the potential power of your subconscious mind is also limitless. The most effective and practical way to programme your subconscious mind for success in all areas of your life is to learn the simple process of creative visualization. It is the technique underlying reality creation, making use of thought power to consciously imagine, create and attract that which you desire. Your imagination is the engine of your thoughts. It converts your thought power into mental images.

Become Aware of Your Thoughts But Not Obsessed: It is important that you learn to be aware of your habitual thoughts and to appropriately adjust them so as to maintain an overall positive mental attitude. However, be careful not to become obsessed with every thought that enters your mind as this would be equally counter-productive, if not more so, than not being aware of them at all. Remember that to obsess over your negative, unwanted thoughts, is to give them power and as the saying goes, what you resist persists. So instead of resisting any of your negative thoughts, simply learn to effortlessly cancel them by replacing them as they arise.

Instantly Replace Unwanted Thoughts: To instantly neutralize the power of a negative thought, calmly and deliberately replace it with its opposite, positive equivalent. For instance if you think to yourself "I'm not good enough, I will never succeed", mentally replace the thought with "I am good enough and success comes to me easily". You can also use the "cancel cancel" technique made famous by the Silva Method. Each time you catch yourself thinking an unwanted thought, mentally tell yourself and the Universe "cancel cancel" and immediately follow it up with a positive statement.

Tame Your Dominant Thoughts and the Random Will Follow: It is estimated that the average person has between 12,000 and 70,000 thoughts a day. This is evidence enough to suggest that your goal should not be to control every thought. It is your dominant thoughts and beliefs that you must learn to bring under your conscious control as they are what largely determine your mental attitude. As you do, you will find your random thoughts themselves becoming more positive and more deliberate.

The following words of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha perfectly capture the essence of thought power: "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become."

In a nutshell, your life is the perfect mirror of your thoughts, beliefs and dominant mental attitude. Whether you realise it or not you are already creating your reality through your thought power. Every effect you see in your outside world has its original cause within you - no exceptions. To gain access to the greatest creative power at your disposal, you must learn to control the nature of your habitual thoughts and to align yourself with the One Source of All Power of which you are a part. Your thoughts create your reality - know, internalize and apply this Truth and you will see your life transform in miraculous ways.

Little Thoughts, Big Thoughts: Wee Morsels of Wisdom in Bite Sized Bits or Apothegms You Can Not Do Without

Tania Kotsos is the founder and author of Mind Your Reality - Your Ultimate Guide to Using Mind Power to Create Your Reality. She has been studying mind power and the nature of reality for the last 15 years.

Go to to visit Mind Your Reality and learn all about mind power, reality creation, the universal laws, success secrets, relationship advice and much more - all for FREE.
